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研究生(外文):Yi-jing Ho
論文名稱(外文):Variation of Outer Membrane Protein of SymbiontsPhotobacterium leiognathi in Five Leiognathid Species
指導教授(外文):Hin-kiu Mok
外文關鍵詞:symbiosisluminous bacteriaLeiognathidaeOMP2-DE
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鰏科(Leiognathidae),廣泛分布於西太平洋及印度洋,依據台灣魚類資料庫可分為三個屬: Gazza,Secutor,以及Leiognathus, 在台灣則有17種。鰏科和發光菌Photobacterium leiognathi形成互利的共生關係。鰏科靠體內共生的發光菌行發光,達到禦敵及族群溝通的功用;而發光菌則靠生活在魚體內吸取養分。鰏科孵化後,接觸到海水才被海水中的發光菌感染,才開始有發光菌共生。鰏科發展出一個特化的發光器,包圍住食道,形狀類似甜甜圈,發光菌就在發光器中繁衍。一般認為,鰏科只和專一的發光菌P. leiognathi共生,但在培養的過程中發現,不同種鰏科培養出的發光菌表現出不同的發光強度、氧氣消耗率、菌落型態等差異性。近期研究中顯示,細菌的外膜蛋白在進入及接觸寄主的過程扮演非常重要的角色;甚至發現,專一寄主種類的細菌外膜蛋白。本研究利用二維蛋白電泳分析五種鰏科體內發光菌P. leiognathi的外膜蛋白差異,藉此探討P. leiognathi為了適應不同種鰏科體內環境,而產生共演化的可能性。本研究結果顯示,P. leiognathi的外膜蛋白表現在同種內相似度高,在種間則有特殊的差異點。高度種內相似性顯示,外膜蛋白不會因為寄主個體差異而有劇烈的變化,其穩定性使得外膜蛋白可作為共演化的分析工具。從親緣關係地位相近的鰏中培養出的發光菌較可能出現特化之蛋白;且在最不易培養出發光菌的S. ruconius中缺少了關係到細菌活動力的蛋白的結果顯示,即使在培養條件、寄主的生活環境皆相同的情況下,P. leiognathi為了適應不同鰏科體內的條件,表現出差異性蛋白。
Leiognathid fish (Perciformes: Leiognathidae) contain 17 species in Taiwan in three genera: Gaza, Leiognathus, and Secutor. Leiognathid fish form mutualistic bio- luminescent symbiosis with the luminous bacteria Photobacterium leiognathi and have developed a specialized light organ to harbor bacteria and other structures to control light emission. The ecological dependence of leiognathid fish to its symbiont for light production and the specialized adaptations suggest that there co-evolution might have taken place. A single symbiont species were thought to be harbored in the light organ of leiognathid fishes. However, different oxygen rates, light production, and cell morphology have been observed in bacteria culturing during previous studies. To investigate the co-evolutionary interaction between P. leiognathi and leiognathid species, I examined the 2-DE patterns of the outer membrane protein (OMP) of symbiotic bacteria from specimens of five leiognathid species; OMPs have been proposed to be essential in symbiotic interaction. The 2-DE results of the P. leiognathi OMP pattern from five leiognathid species displayed intra-specific similarity, when inter-specific differences also exist. Intra-specific consistence revealed five proteins that are essential in the symbiotic interaction. Spot differences between various leiognathid species have shown that closely related species have significant protein spots which may have effect on speciation. In Secutor ruconius absence of the protein responsible for motility might result the difficulty on bacteria culturing. Intra-specific similarity excludes the possible of individual differentiation, and the inter-specific differences of bacterial OMP suggested that
P. leiognathi in various leiognathid species might have developed various OMPs to adapt to different host species.
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
TABLES 33-35
個人履歷 47
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