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研究生(外文):Kai-chung Pai
論文名稱(外文):The calibration and sensitivity analysis of a storm surge model for the seas around Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chia-shun Yu
外文關鍵詞:Sea surface drag coefficientHorizontal diffusion coefficientCalibration and sensitivity analysisTideBottom friction coefficientTyphoonStorm surgeThe numerical model
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本研究利用于嘉順博士發展的潮流數值模式(Yu, 1993;Yu et al., 1994) 作為計算風暴潮的水動力模式,研究的主要目的為將模式中的設定及參數做校驗與敏感度分析,以2005年6月至10月的實測資料作比對,使風暴潮預報模式能夠符合臺灣海域的潮流狀況。模式校驗與敏感度分析分成兩個步驟,首先校驗天文潮,再來是複合潮的校驗。天文潮的部份,以水平擴散係數、底床摩擦係數等參數做敏感度分析,模式設定的校驗包含時間步長的敏感度分析以及網格地形的改進等校驗。本模式以Chézy值來控制底床摩擦力,當Chézy值的範圍為65至85時,模式有得到較好的結果。網格地形的改進是模式校驗的重點,將網格地形依照實際地形作修改後,使網格地形更能貼合實際地形,改進了由地形因素產生的動力現象,使模式計算更符合實際潮汐現象。水平擴散係數的敏感度分析結果顯示模式對於水平擴散係數的敏感度較微小,模式以不同的水平擴散係數所計算出的天文潮水位差異甚小。在四個時間步長的校驗結果,22個潮位站的天文潮水位均方根誤差,四個時間步長的模式結果中,均方根誤差差異最大約為10公分,發生在外埔測站,均方根誤差的差異最小在1公分左右,東部測站的差異均很微小。


The topographical variations of the seas around Taiwan are great, which make the tides complicated. Taiwan is located in the juncture of the tropical and subtropical area. Geographically, it is located within the region of northwestern Pacific typhoon path. These seasonal and geographical situations causing Taiwan frequently threaten by typhoons during summer and autumn. In addition to natural disasters, the coastal area is over developed for the last few decades, which destroys the balance between nature and man. Storms and floods constantly threaten the lowland areas along the coast. An accurate and efficient storm surge model can be used to predict tides and storm surges. The model can be calibrated and verified with the field observations. Data measured by instruments at the tidal station constituting daily tidal variations and storm surge influences during typhoons. The model can offer both predictions to the management institutions and to the general public as pre-warning system and thus taking disaster-prevention measures.

This study implements the numerical model, developed by Yu (1993) and Yu et al. (1994) to calculate the hydrodynamic in the seas around Taiwan. The main purpose of this study is to make a calibration and sensitivity analysis of the model parameters. Tidal gauge data around Taiwan coastal stations collected from June to October 2005 are used for the analysis and the comparison between the modeled data and the observations. Two steps have been taken for the model calibration and sensitivity analysis. First step is to calibrate the model for accurate prediction of the astronomical tide, and then the compound tide with meteorological influences.

For the calibration of the astronomical tides, sensitivity analysis has been carried out by adjusting the horizontal diffusion coefficient and the bottom friction coefficients used in the model. The sensitivity of the time-step size used in the model and model grids fitted to coastlines are also checked. A depth dependent Chézy numbers are used in the model to describe bottom friction. The model has a better result when the Chézy value varied within 65 to 85. Modifying grids fitted to the coastline has improved the model results significantly. By improving the dynamic phenomenon brought about by the land features, the model calculation fits the real tidal phenomenon better. The analysis has shown that the model is less sensitive to the horizontal diffusion coefficient. Data from 22 tidal stations around Taiwan have been used for the comparisons. The maximum RMSE (root-mean-square error) is about 10 cm at WAi-Pu, whereas the minimum RMSE is about 1 cm for the stations along eastern coast.

The calibration of the compound tide is divided into three cases. The first case is to calibrate the forecasted wind field. This has been done by comparing the forecasted wind field from the Central Weather Bureau with the satellite data obtained from QuikSCAT—Level 3. The satellite wind speed has been applied to adjust the forecasted wind speed. The adjusted forecast wind field has shown improvement to the model predictions in the tidal stations south of Taichung, slightly improved in the eastern coast. The second case is tuning the drag coefficient on sea surface used by the hydrodynamic model. Several empirical formulas to describe the sea surface drag have been tested. The model result has shown little influence using various drag formulations. The third case is to single the influences by the meteo-inputs, i.e. the wind field and the atmospheric pressure. The tidal level is more sensitive to the variation of the atmospheric pressure through out the tests carried out during typhoon periods.

The model simulation for 2006 using the best selected parameters has shown that the model is consisted with good stability and accuracy for both stormy and calm weather conditions.
誌謝 I
摘要 III
Abstract V
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.1.1 研究動機 1
1.1.2 研究目的 3
1.2 文獻回顧 5
1.2.1 臺灣海域潮汐特性分析 7
1.2.2 臺灣海域風暴潮預報模式發展 10
1.3 研究方法 14
1.4 本文架構 15
第二章 水動力模式 16
2.1 水動力模式原理 16
2.1.1 基本控制方程式 16
2.1.2 The Alternating Direction Implicit(ADI)method 21
2.2 調和分析原理介紹 25
第三章 風暴潮預報模式參數校驗與敏感度分析 28
3.1 天文潮模式校驗與敏感度分析 30
3.1.1 天文潮模式校驗與敏感度分析設計案例 31 Case1(TA-1):水平擴散係數敏感度分析 31 Case2(TA-2):底床摩擦係數敏感度分析 45 Case3(TA-3):時間步長校驗與敏感度分析 64 Case4(TA-4):模式網格地形改進案例 70
3.2 複合潮模式校驗與敏感度分析 85
3.2.1 複合潮模式校驗與敏感度分析設計案例 86 Case1(TC-1):預報風場改進案例 86 Case2(TC-2):海平面拖曳係數敏感度分析 102 Case3(TC-3):單一氣象條件敏感度分析 112
第四章 臺灣海域風暴潮預報模式驗證 120
4.1 模式驗證 120
第五章 結果討論及未來研究之建議 132
5.1 結果討論 132
5.2 未來研究之建議 135
附錄一 潮位站資訊一覽表 136
附錄二 蒲福風級表 137
附錄三 颱風強度劃分表 138
附錄四 颱風侵臺路徑分類圖 139
參考文獻 140
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