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Author (Eng.):Chih-Hao Chen
Title (Eng.):Human Resource Management Strategy of Cable TV System in Organizational Life Cycle
advisor (eng):Ching-Ning Wang
Narrow Field:商業及管理學門
Detailed Field:其他商業及管理學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2009
Graduated Academic Year:97
number of pages:141
keyword (chi):人力資源管理策略有線電視系統組織生命週期
keyword (eng):HRM strategyOrganizational life cycleCATV system
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  • Cited Cited :0
  • HitsHits:379
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1. 在不同組織生命週期階段會採用不同事業策略類型。
2. 隨著生命週期階段的發展,有線電視系統朝向產品多樣化來增加營收。
3. 組織生命週期階段的發展會受到母公司的影響。
4. 組織在不同生命週期階段會採用不同人力資源管理策略。
5. 有線電視不論在何種週期階段,皆重視內部教育訓練。
6. 有線電視流動率低,很少由外招募。
7. 有線電視人力資源管理策略偏向累積型,只有在開發新業務時會偏向協助型。
8. 事業策略與人力資源管理策略間具有配適關係,但會受到母公司影響而改變。
The importance of human resource management (HRM) increases with each passing day. In the past, organizations only focused on the coordination and the integration between HRM and other management functions. Nowadays, with a more broad and holistic angle, we usually elevate HRM in enterprise from the strategic point of view. The role it plays in the organization becomes more active rather than passive and it puts more emphasis on the intensive cooperation between HRM and business strategies. The studies of HRM strategy in Taiwan only focus on the high-tech industry. Therefore, this study will aim at Cable TV (CATV) system industry and investigate the influence of HRM strategy by organizational life cycle and business strategy.

The purpose of this study is to know how the CATV systems obtain the employees they need by recruiting and education training in digital convergence. And then we can further understand the HRM strategy in organization and its relationships with organizational life cycle and business strategy. This research adopted case study and targeted three domestic CATV firms. This study also described and explained the status of HRM in CATV system industry by case comparison and then induced the conclusions and research propositions. The results were as follow:

1. The organizations will adopt different business strategic types when they are in different stage of organizational life cycle.
2. CATV will increase the varieties of their product line in order to earn more revenues as the stage of life cycle goes.
3. The stage of the development in organizational life cycle will be affected by parent company.
4. The organizations will adopt different HRM strategy types when they are in different stage of organizational life cycle.
5. No matter at what stage of life cycle, CATV will take internal training seriously.
6. Employee turnover rate of CATV is very low, and the source of recruitment is seldom from external.
7. The HRM strategy tends to be accumulation type. However, it will shift to facilitation type when they develop new services.
8. There is a “Fit” relationship between business strategy and HRM strategy; however, it changes because of parent company’s effect.
第一章、緒論………………………………………… - 1 -
第一節 研究背景………………………………………- 1 -
第二節 研究動機………………………………………- 4 -
第三節 研究目的………………………………………- 5 -
第四節 研究問題………………………………………- 6 -
第二章、文獻探討…………………………………… - 7 -
第一節 組織生命週期理論……………………………- 7 -
一、 組織生命週期階段………………………………- 8 -
二、 劃分週期的因子…………………………………- 10 -
三、 組織生命週期各階段特性………………………- 13 -
第二節 企業策略………………………………………- 19 -
一、 策略的定義………………………………………- 19 -
二、 策略的層次………………………………………- 20 -
三、 事業策略的類型…………………………………- 21 -
四、 小結………………………………………………- 25 -
第三節 人力資源管理策略……………………………- 26 -
一、 人力資源管理策略的類型………………………- 27 -
二、 人力資源管理策略與事業策略的配適關係……- 34 -
第四節 研究因子之間的關聯性………………………- 39 -
一、 組織生命週期與事業策略之關係………………- 39 -
二、 組織生命週期與人力資源管理策略之關係……- 43 -
三、 事業策略與人力資源管理策略之關係…………- 49 -
第三章、研究設計…………………………………… - 53 -
第一節 研究流程………………………………………- 53 -
第二節 研究架構………………………………………- 54 -
第三節 研究方法………………………………………- 58 -
第四節 研究對象………………………………………- 62 -
第四章、個案分析…………………………………… - 66 -
第一節 個案公司的生命週期階段……………………- 66 -
第二節 個案公司的事業策略類型……………………- 76 -
第三節 個案公司的人力資源管理策略………………- 89 -
第四節 綜合分析…………………………………… - 108 -
第五章、研究結論………………………………… - 116 -
第一節 研究結論…………………………………… - 116 -
第二節 後續研究建議……………………………… - 121 -
第三節 研究限制…………………………………… - 122 -
【參考文獻】……………………………………… - 123 -
【附錄一 訪談大綱】……………………………… - 131 -


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