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研究生(外文):Ming-te Tsai
論文名稱(外文):A vEB-Tree based Strategy for Interactive VoD Services in P2P Networks
指導教授(外文):Chung-Nan Lee
外文關鍵詞:Video on demandVoDInteractivePeer-to-peervEB-treeP2P
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To provide interactive operations such as fast-forward, slow-forward, switch channel, and jump function for peer-to-peer on demand video streaming is a challenge. In this thesis, we proposed a vEB-tree (van Emde Boas tree) based architecture for interactive VoD services in peer-to-peer networks. The proposed architecture assumes videos can be divided into many segments, and these segments are stored in each peer. In the architecture, it includes vEB-tree based topology, procedure of demand segment search, and a distribution scheme. It not only efficiently provides interactive operations but also reduces the control messages. Additionally, each peer stores segments based on the proposed distribution scheme to reduce the server stress. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed architecture outperforms Baton, BBTU, and VMesh in terms of jump latency, server stress, and neighbors’ maintenance cost.
Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................1
Chapter 2. RELATED WORK ..................................................................................3
Chapter 3. THE PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE .....................................................6
3.1. Overview of the architecture ...........................................................................6
3.2. Symbol definition ............................................................................................9
3.3. Overview of the vEB-tree based topology ......................................................9
3.4. The procedure of demand segment search ....................................................14
3.5. Distribution Scheme ......................................................................................18
3.6. IPTV application description .........................................................................19
3.6.1 Normal playback function .....................................................................21
3.6.2 Switch channel .......................................................................................22
3.6.3 Jump function ........................................................................................22
3.6.4 Fast forward function.............................................................................23
3.6.5 User interface .........................................................................................24
Chapter 4. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ........................................................28
4.1. Simulation model ...........................................................................................28
4.1.1 The popularity model of seconds in a video ..........................................28
4.2. Jump latency ..................................................................................................30
4.3. The cost of maintaining neighbors ................................................................33
4.4. Estimation accuracy of the proposed distribution scheme ............................35
4.5. Server stress ...................................................................................................39
Chapter 5. CONCLUSION .....................................................................................41
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................42
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