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研究生(外文):Fu-yi Han
論文名稱(外文):Modeling of Flip-Chip and Wire-Bond Chip Scale Packages for RF Chip-Package Co-Simulations
指導教授(外文):Tzyy-Sheng Horng
外文關鍵詞:Chip-package-board co-designwire-bond packagesFlip-chip packagesPackage effects and models
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This dissertation aims to evaluate the package effects on the performance of radio frequency integrated circuits (RFICs) for wireless applications. A model-based study is presented to compare the effects between flip-chip and wire-bond packages on a front-end cascode low-noise amplifier (LNA) in a 2.45 GHz CMOS wireless local area network (WLAN) receiver. To construct the package electrical models, specific modeling dies are designed to help extract the equivalent-circuit elements from measured S-parameters for chip-package interconnects. Furthermore, the ground-proximity effect on on-chip spiral inductors in a flip-chip package is first observed and presented in this modeling study. Excellent agreement between modeling and measurement is obtained by up to 20 GHz for a 64-pin flip-chip ball grid array (FC-BGA) package and a 64-pin wire-bond quad flat nonlead (WB-QFN) package. For practical applications, the established package models are used to predict the degradation of the figure of merit for the cascode LNA under packaged condition. Chip-package co-simulations can achieve good agreement with measurements, and thus can persuasively account for the complete effects caused by the two different packages on the cascode LNA.
To simultaneously consider the package and board interconnect effects on RFICs, this dissertation also designs and implements a 1.95 GHz upconverter for the wideband code-division multiple-access (W-CDMA) transmitter. Specific ground wire-bonding and board connection are designed to minimize the linearity degradation due to package and board interconnects. Nonlinear analysis technique is also used to evaluate the nonlinear distortion of the upconverter in the chip-package-board co-design phase. The final measurement results have successfully verified the co-design predictions and simulations for this upconverter.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivation 1
1.2 Package Effects on RFICs 3
1.2.1 Wire-Bond Package Effects 5
1.2.2 Flip-Chip Package Effects 8
1.3 Chip-Package-Board Co-Design 10
1.4 Overview of Dissertation 13
2 Extraction of RF Package Models 15
2.1 FC-BGA versus WB-QFN 15
2.2 FC-BGA Package Model 18
2.3 WB-QFN Package Model 28
3 Flip-Chip and Wire-Bond Package Effects on a Receiver Low-Noise Amplifier 32
3.1 Low-Noise Amplifier Design 32
3.2 Analysis of RF Specification Parameters 34
3.2.1 Small-Signal Gain 35
3.2.2 Noise Figure 40
3.2.3 Third-Order Intercept Point 44
3.3 Co-Simulation and Measurement Results 48
4 Package and Board Effects on a Transmitter Upconverter 54
4.1 Upconverter Design 55
4.2 Analysis of Linearity Parameters 56
4.2.1 Conversion Gain 57
4.2.2 Third-Order Intercept Point 61
4.2.3 Adjacent Channel Power Ratio 65
4.2.4 Ground Inductance Effects 66
4.3 Co-Simulation and Measurement Results 69
5 Conclusions 77
Bibliography 79
Appendix 89
A Derivation of Nonlinear Current Sources in the Volterra Series Analysis 89
Vita 95
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