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研究生(外文):Tsung-wei Lin
論文名稱(外文):Development of Low-driving-voltage Capacitive MEMS Microphone
指導教授(外文):I-Yu Huang
外文關鍵詞:Low driving voltagePolyimide backplate microstructureSurface and bulk micromachining technologiesCapacitive MEMS microphone
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因應目前行動電話、筆記型電腦、助聽器及個人數位助理(PDA)等產品尺寸日漸縮減以及功能逐漸增強,傳統的駐極體電容式麥克風(Electret Condenser Microphone, ECM)將越來越無法滿足這些可攜式電子產品的需求,所以如何利用微機電系統(MEMS)技術,研發出具有可微型化、高品質與低成本等特性之微型麥克風已是勢在必行。
本論文運用面型與體型微加工之MEMS製程技術,完成一種具有聚亞醯胺背板(Polyimide backplate)結構之電容式MEMS麥克風的開發,其主要製程步驟包括五次黃光微影(Photolithography)與七次薄膜沉積的製程。本論文所設計之低應力氮化矽/多晶矽/氮化矽懸浮薄膜聲壓感測面積與麥克風上下電極間距分別為2×2 mm2與2 μm。
本論文開發之MEMS麥克風是在特殊的無響箱中量測其頻率響應,在音源頻率為1 kHz下,只須外加3伏特之偏壓即可獲得-60.3 dB/Pa的靈敏度(已扣除前級放大器的22.6 dB增益輸出)以及51 dB之訊雜比(Signal to noise ratio, SNR);以上所顯示之極低的驅動電壓、適中之訊雜比與聲壓感測靈敏度等特性,接近於國內外相關一流研究單位之成果。
To achieve the miniaturization and high performance of the mobile phone, notebook, hearing aid and personal digital assistant (PDA), many researchers focus on the developing a new-type microphone with very small dimension, high quality and low manufacturing cost utilizing MEMS technology.
By using the surface and bulk micromachining technologies, this thesis designed and fabricated a capacitive MEMS microphone with a polyimide bcakplate microstructure. The main processing steps adopted in this study include five photolithoghaphies and seven thin-film depositions. A MEMS-based microphone with an only 2×2 mm2 sensing area of the floating Si3N4/Poly-Si/Si3N4 membrane and a 2 μm-height gap distance between the top and bottom electrodes was implemented and characterized.
Measured in a special isolated-box and under 1 kHz audio frequency, a -60.3 dB/Pa sensitivity (deducted the 22.6 dB output gain of the pre-amplifier) and a 51 dB signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the implemented MEMS microphone can be obtained as the biasing voltage only about 3 volts. The very low driving voltage, moderate SNR and sensitivity demonstrated in this work keep abreast with the results of many outstanding research laboratories in the world.
第一章 緒論..............................................................................................1
1-1 前言..............................................................................................1
1-2 研究動機......................................................................................4
2-1 MEMS麥克風之種類...................................................................6
2-2 電容式MEMS麥克風之研究.....................................................9
2-2-1 理論分析.....................................................................11
2-2-2 聚亞醯胺材料特性.........................................................17
第三章 元件設計與製作流程................................................................23
3-1 電容式MEMS麥克風之光罩佈局設計...................................23
3-2 電容式MEMS麥克風之製程整合設計……...........................25
3-2-1 電容式MEMS麥克風製作流程....................................25
3-2-2 詳細製程步驟與參數......................................................27
第四章 結果與討論................................................................................35
4-1 結構分析........................................................................35
4-1-1 聚亞醯胺背板烘烤溫度分析.........................................35
4-1-2 鋁犧牲層釋放結構分析.................................................37
4-2-1 電容-電壓(C-V)量測.......................................................39
4-2-2 頻率響應量測.................................................................44
第五章 結論與未來展望........................................................................54
5-1 結論............................................................................................54
5-2 未來展望....................................................................................55
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