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研究生(外文):Chi-feng Sung
論文名稱(外文):Biped Robot Turning Design and Humanoid Gait Experiment Analysis
指導教授(外文):Her, Inn Chyn
外文關鍵詞:turning designplanning motion gaitBiped robot
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The locomotion robots have wheeled, biped, quadruped and so on. Walking robot may not move faster or more popular than wheeled robot. But walking robot is a good assistant to pass through the rough roadway and to explore unknown landforms. The advantages of walking robot have: mobility, walking in danger environment, across obstacles, up stairs and down stairs and nimbleness. These difficulties environment are the obstacles for the wheeled robot. Today, many robots are designed to make up for human body and ability. Application in explore the outer space, to relieve the victims of a disaster, to move work, to offer greater convenience to the people, housekeeper, to substitute for handicapped limbs and so on.
In the thesis, we analyze the gait of biped robot. Biped robot arrive a destination rapidly in the limit environment. Biped can use turning motion gait to bypass obstacles. We purpose to maintain motion velocity of biped robot and come out the speed and stride distance of the biped robot. The studies have: biped robot turning design, planning humanoid motion gait and experiment motion gait.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景與研究動機 6
1.3 論文架構 8
第二章 二足機器人繞行平台之設計與製作 9
2.1 實驗硬體設備 10
2.2 二足機器人模型之設計與製作 12
2.3 繞行中柱之設計 13
第三章 二足機器人繞行之運動步態設計 15
3.1 建立二足機器人之模型座標 15
3.2 二足機器人運動步態之規劃與設計流程 17
3.3 二足機器人步行實驗 26
3.4 運動步態作繞行時之離心力 34
第四章 二足機器人仿人步態之分析研究 36
4.1 步態參數之定義 36
4.2 正常步行步態(Normal-Walking Gait) 37
4.2.1 人類正常步行步態定義 37
4.2.2 二足機器人正常步行步態實驗 40
4.3 競走步態(Race-Walking Gait) 48
4.3.1 人類競走步態定義 48
4.3.2 二足機器人競走步態實驗 50
4.4 跑步步態(Running Gait) 54
4.4.1 人類跑步步態定義 54
4.4.2 二足機器人跑步步態實驗 57
4.5 受傷步態一(Knee Hurt Gait) 63
4.5.1 膝關節受傷步態定義 63
4.5.2 二足機器人膝關節受傷步態實驗 65
4.6 受傷步態二(Hip Hurt Gait) 69
4.6.1 膝關節受傷步態定義 69
4.6.2 二足機器人膝關節受傷步態實驗 71
第五章 結論 75
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