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研究生(外文):Cheng-feng Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Stretching and Deformation of DNA Molecules in a Converging-Diverging Microchannel with Heating Effect
指導教授(外文):Shou-Shing Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:thermal effectsμPIVconformation and dynamicsDNA moleculeCLSM
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本實驗設計適合加熱且觀測之漸縮漸擴微流道,其縮擴比為8:1,以電動驅動DNA溶液,控制電場強度小於150 V/cm,以避免產生焦耳熱效應,期望產生一均勻延展流及齊次的應變率,並在微流道上方利用等熱通量的方式對微流道內部之緩衝溶液進行加熱,搭配熱電隅及雷射誘發微螢光(Micro Laser-Induced Fluorescence)量測液體溫度,控制緩衝溶液溫度為25、35、45及55°C,避免過高的溫度使DNA分子受損。利用微質點影像測速儀(Micrometer resolution Particle Image Velocimetry) 計算局部應變率,評估DNA伸長量,再配合螢光可視化的量測技術,搭配共軛焦雷射掃瞄顯微鏡(Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy) 進行拍攝,在不同的緩衝溶液溫度下,統計DNA在微流道中拉伸長度之分佈,並計算DNA分子承受之流體阻力,及其所造成的形態變化和應力鬆弛時間,希望藉此對溫度影響DNA分子於微流道中拉伸及形變有概括的了解。
In this study, an electrokinetics-induced elongation flow was created inside a gradual converging-diverging microchannel with different temperature (25, 35, 45, 55°C). The conformation of DNA molecules, local strain rate, and the relaxation time play important roles in determining the extent of DNA stretching. By using μPIV/μLIF measurements, the velocity/temperature distributions in microchannels can be secured. The local strain rate was estimated by μPIV measurements. We observe the hydrodynamic stretching DNA molecules in elongation flow by confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). Through CLSM images analysis, relaxation time of DNA molecules was estimated. Finally, dynamic properties and stretching ratio of DNA molecules stretched by EOF driven at various electric field and temperature ware measured. The thermal effect and the electric field on the conformation were also studied and discussed.
目錄 i
表目錄 iii
圖目錄 iv
符號說明 vi
中文摘要 viii
Abstract ix
第一章 序論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 DNA分子結構與性質 1
1-3 生醫晶片 2
1-4 背景與目的 3
1-5 文獻回顧 5
第二章 實驗系統與設備 12
2-1 μPIV及μLIF系統 12
2-2 共軛焦雷射掃瞄顯微鏡量測系統 13
2-3 直流電源供應器 14
2-4 製程設備 14
2-5 其他實驗週邊設備 16
第三章 實驗方法及步驟 26
3-1 微流道設計與製程 26
3-2 工作流體配製 29
3-3 加熱系統建立 29
3-4 光學量測系統建立及原理 30
3-5 實驗量測參數 33
第四章 理論分析 43
4-1 無因次參數分析 43
4-2 DNA分子水力拉伸形變 45
第五章 誤差分析 48
第六章 結果與討論 52
6-1 μPIV之流場量測 52
6-2 μLIF之溫度場量測 52
6-3 DNA螢光可視化觀測 53
6-4 DNA分子受力分析 55
6-5 DNA分子拉伸模型分析 57
第七章 結論與建議 71
7-1 結論 71
7-2 建議與改進 72
參考文獻 74
附錄 A 80
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