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研究生(外文):Miin Shih
論文名稱(外文):Factors affecting the willingness of receiving colorectal cancer screening and colonoscopy among older adults
指導教授(外文):Ying-Chun Li
外文關鍵詞:ScreeningHealth Belief ModelColorectal cancer
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主要目的乃是探討影響參與社區篩檢之40 歲以上中老年人接受大腸癌篩檢及進
本研究為橫斷式相關性研究,是以北、高兩市各社區篩檢之40 歲以上中老
集,共回收462 份有效問卷,其中有做過篩檢者279 位,未做過篩檢者183 位。
資料分析以描述性統計分析及Chi-square、Independent T-test、Logistic
regression、Path analysis 等推論性統計分析方法,主要運用健康信念模式內
In Taiwan, colorectal cancer incidence rate and mortality rate had been increased remarkably. Colorectal cancer was the third leading cause of death in all cancers in Taiwan, which had cause serious threaten on the health condition of people. The CRC
screening rate is relatively low in Taiwan, from the statistic information in Bureau of Health Promotion shows that less than 20 % of colorectal cancer cases were detected on stage 0 and stage Ι in Taiwan. The early detection rate was relatively low as comparing with colorectal cancer in the United States. However, if colorectal cancer is vital for the optimal treatment to obtain a correct diagnosis promptly, the long-term
survival rate can reach as high as 90% for the early staged CRC.
As we know, regular screening examination for colorectal cancer was the first step to treat colorectal cancer.
The key point for promoting the colorectal cancer screening rate was to realize the factors which affecting the willingness of receiving the screening examination among older adults.
Due to that, this study is aimed to identify the attitude toward screening and health-belief recognition among older adults above 40 years old within the community screening program, in order to realize factors influence the older adults’ willingness of the colorectal cancer screening and Colonoscopy.
The study design was a cross-sectional co-relational community-based survey.
The data collection period was from August 2007 to May 2008. Data were collected from older adults which above 40 years old in Taipei and Kaohsiung. There were 462 samples which included 279 samples were having an experience of CRC screening before, and 183 samples were never had such screening before. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics and inferred statistics such as Chi-square, Independent
T-Test, Logistic regression analysis, Path analysis. The Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the related factors which might affecting the willingness of CRC screening among the older adults in community, including the factors applying from Health Belief Model such as Perceived threat, Perceived benefits of taking actions, Perceived barriers of taking actions, Cues to actions, Self-Efficacy, Health Motivation. Also addressed the factors related to attitudes such as fear about cancer,
worry about accurate or safety of screening method, optimistic.
The results of the study were as following. (1)In health belief related sectors, Perceived threat, Barriers, Cues to actions were significant with both the willingness
of receiving Colonoscopy and FOBT screening. Except for those three factors that mentioned above, Health motivation would influence the willingness of FOBT
screening, instead of Colonoscopy. (2) In attitude related sectors, fear about cancer, worry about accurate or safety of screening method were significant with both the willingness of receiving Colonoscopy and FOBT screening. (3) In health status sectors,bowel symptoms were significant with the willingness of receiving FOBT screening.
Health behavior would only significant with the willingness of receiving Colonoscopy.
(4) Age, social activity, screening experience would affect the willingness of receiving FOBT screening. On the other hand, the willingness of receiving Colonoscopy was no significant with demographic characteristic. Besides, the results of the path analysis
were shown as below.
(1)Optimistic would affect Cues to actions factor, and health behavior may affect Health motivation factor, under such relation, optimistic and health behavior would indirect affect the willingness of receiving FOBT.(2)Bowel symptoms would affect Perceived threat which may indirect affect the willingness of
receiving Colonoscopy.
(3)The knowledge of CRC and CRC screening would also indirect affect the willingness of receiving FOBT and Colonoscopy.
The major attribution of this study was to realize the factors influence the willingness of accepting CRC screening, which could provide for health promotion
policy makers to develop suitable policy for CRC health protect planning.
The study may be implicated in the following aspects:(1) Not only settle the goals of screening,
and also suggest policy makers to promote the awareness and health belief toward colon cancer to target groups which the study result had shown. (2)With the union of the community and medical, physician counseling may enhance the CRC screening rate, especially Colonoscopy. (3)Fulfill the knowledge of detect colon cancer and CRC screening among older adults, make themselves know how to decrease the threat of the disease, in order to achieve the goal of improving their health and saving the
expense of the injure.
圖1-1.1 十大癌症死因之變化------------------------------------------1
圖2-3-1. 預防性健康行為健康信念模式(Health Belief Model)----------30
圖3-1-1. 研究架構圖-----------------------------------------------45
圖3-6-1. 研究流程圖-----------------------------------------------62
圖4-2-1. 研究對象之年齡分佈圓餅圖---------------------------------68
圖4-5-1. 研究對象之飲食習慣分佈圓餅圖1-以高脂肪和肉類為主食------95
圖4-5-2. 研究對象之飲食習慣分佈圓餅圖2-平日吃蔬菜的習慣----------96
圖4-6-1. 徑路分析------------------------------------------------109
圖4-6-2. 徑路分析------------------------------------------------110
表1-1-1. 民國95 年台灣地區老人十大死因統計表-----------------------1
表2-1-1. 各等親之大腸癌家族史罹患大腸癌之風險---------------------11
表2-1-2. 民國94 年十大癌症死亡率(每10 萬人口)---------------------13
圖2-1-1. 歷年結腸直腸癌死亡概況趨勢圖-----------------------------13
表2-1-3. 民國94 年之性別大腸直腸癌死亡率--------------------------14
圖2-1-2. 民國94 年台灣地區大腸癌發生年齡及性別之分佈--------------14
表2-1-4. 民國94 年台灣大腸癌申報發生人數按地區別分類--------------15
表2-1-5. 各種篩檢方式之優缺點-------------------------------------17
表2-1-6. 國內與國外之篩檢方式建議比較表---------------------------21
表2-1-7. 民國90 至94 年間男性及女性結腸直腸癌之存活率現況---------22
表2-4-1. 人口學變項因素與糞便潛血篩檢行為意願之相關研究整理-------32
表2-4-2. 人口學變項因素與大腸內視鏡檢查行為意願之相關研究整理-----33
表2-4-3. 各健康信念因素與大腸癌篩檢行為意願之相關性研究整理-------37
表2-4-4. 國內外運用健康信念模式探討其與大腸癌篩檢行為意願相關文獻整
表2-5-1. 國外探討知識、態度與大腸癌篩檢行為間的相關文獻整理-------43
表2-5-2. 影響民眾願意及不願意參與大腸癌篩檢之相關因素-------------44
表3-3-1. 問卷內容專家效度平均得分表-------------------------------51
表3-3-2. 健康信念變項之內部一致性信度檢定分析表-------------------52
表3-4-1. 研究變項之操作型定義-------------------------------------53
表4-1-1. 研究個案之大腸癌篩檢醫療利用情形分佈---------------------63
表4-2-1. 研究個案之人口屬性分佈-----------------------------------65
表4-2-2. 研究個案之人口屬性對大腸癌篩檢意願之雙變項分析-----------70
表4-3-1. 健康信念相關變項之得分分佈<五分法之變項>-----------------72
表4-3-2. 健康信念相關變項之得分分佈<五分法之變項>(續.)------------74
表4-3-3. 健康信念相關變項之得分分佈<二分法之變項>(續.)------------74
表4-3-4. 健康信念相關總分變項分佈---------------------------------76
表4-3-6. 自覺威脅性變項與大腸鏡檢查意願之雙變項分析-<卡方檢定>----79
表4-3-7. 行動利益變項與糞便潛血篩檢意願之雙變項分析-<卡方檢定>----80
表4-3-8. 行動利益變項與大腸鏡檢查意願之雙變項分析-<卡方檢定>------80
表4-3-9. 行動障礙變項與糞便潛血篩檢意願之雙變項分析-<卡方檢定>----81
表4-3-10. 行動障礙變項與大腸鏡檢查意願之雙變項分析-<卡方檢定>-----81
表4-3-11. 自我效能變項與糞便潛血篩檢意願之雙變項分析-<卡方檢定>---83
表4-3-12. 自我效能變項與大腸鏡檢查意願之雙變項分析-<卡方檢定>-----83
表4-3-13. 行動線索變項與糞便潛血篩檢意願之雙變項分析-<卡方檢定>---83
表4-3-14. 行動線索變項與大腸鏡檢查意願之雙變項分析-<卡方檢定>-----84
表4-3-15. 健康信念變項與大腸癌篩檢意願之雙變項分析-<卡方檢定>-----85
表4-3-16. 健康信念變項與糞便潛血篩檢意願之雙變項分析-<T-test>-----87
表4-3-17. 健康信念變項與大腸鏡檢查意願之雙變項分析-<T test>-------87
表4-4-1. 研究個案對大腸癌篩檢態度分佈-----------------------------88
表4-4-2. 檢查態度對大腸癌篩檢意願之雙變項分析-<T-test & X2 test>--91
表4-4-3. 檢查態度對糞便潛血篩檢意願之雙變項分析-<X2 test>---------92
表4-4-4. 檢查態度對大腸鏡檢查意願之雙變項分析-<X2 test>-----------92
表4-5-1. 研究個案之健康行為分佈-----------------------------------94
表4-5-2. 研究個案之健康狀態分佈-----------------------------------97
表4-5-3. 健康行為及健康狀態變項對大腸癌篩檢意願之雙變項分析-------99
表4-6-2. 邏輯斯迴歸分析-COL--------------------------------------107
表4-7-1. 研究假設之驗證對照表------------------------------------115

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景---------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機及其重要性-----------------------------3
第三節 研究目的---------------------------------------5
第四節 研究問題陳述-----------------------------------5
第五節 研究名詞解釋-----------------------------------6
第六節 研究重要性-------------------------------------8
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 大腸癌簡介及其預防與相關篩檢政策
一、 大腸解剖與生理構造--------------------------9
二、 大腸癌之簡介相關文獻-----------------------10
三、 大腸癌在台灣地區流行近況-------------------12
四、 大腸癌相關篩檢工具內容及效能---------------15
五、 大腸癌相關篩檢政策-------------------------18
六、 大腸癌之預防性健康篩檢服務實施情況---------22
第二節 影響大腸癌篩檢意願之相關文獻
一、 影響預防性健康行為意願之相關因素-----------23
二、 影響大腸癌篩檢意願之相關因素---------------24
第三節 健康信念模式之介紹----------------------------27
第四節 大腸癌篩檢意願與HBM 模式之相關影響因素--------31
第五節 大腸癌篩檢意願與知識、態度間之相關研究--------42
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構與假設--------------------------------45
第二節 研究設計--------------------------------------46
第三節 研究工具--------------------------------------47
第四節 研究變項之操作型定義--------------------------53
第五節 資料收集與分析方法----------------------------60
第六節 研究流程--------------------------------------62
第四章 研究結果
第一節 研究個案之大腸癌篩檢行為及意願分佈描述--------63
第二節 研究個案之人口屬性對大腸癌篩檢意願之相關分析--64
第三節 健康信念相關因素對大腸癌篩檢意願之相關分析----72
第四節 篩檢態度對大腸癌篩檢意願之相關分析------------88
第五節 健康行為及狀態對大腸癌篩檢意願之相關分析------93
第六節 影響大腸癌篩檢意願相關變項之迴歸及徑路分析---102
第七節 研究假設之驗證-------------------------------111
第五章 討論
第一節 健康信念相關因素對大腸癌篩檢意願之影響-------116
第二節 檢查態度相關因素對大腸癌篩檢意願之影響-------118
第三節 受檢族群健康行為及狀態對大腸癌篩檢意願之影響-119
第四節 受檢族群人口屬性對大腸癌篩檢意願之影響-------119
第五節 影響大腸癌篩檢意願之相關因素探討-------------120
第六節 探討影響大腸癌篩檢意願之變項間之關係---------121
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論-----------------------------------------122
第二節 研究限制-------------------------------------124
第三節 應用與建議-----------------------------------124


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