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研究生(外文):Zhi-jia Huang
論文名稱(外文):Differential Signal Modulation for 10Gb/s Coaxial Laser Module Packaging
指導教授(外文):Wood-Hi Cheng
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本論文為致力於構裝 10 兆位 (GB/s) 元同軸式雷射模組,並個別採用單端 (single-end) 訊號與差動 (differential-end) 訊號饋入之研究。利用低成本與高性能特性之同軸式構裝方式,研發成果可應用於高速光纖通訊、光纖到家 (Fiber-To-The-Home) 及被動光學網路 (Passive Optical Network PON)。
由於傳統 TO-Can 基底結構上沒有適當設計,採單端訊號饋入雷射模組之設計,具有較差 RF 傳輸特性,因此訊號接腳長度與打線長度過長產生凹陷之濾波效應,成為傳統 TO-Can 主要克服問題。
本研究所提出之同軸式雷射模組採用商業化之 TO-Can 材料,並提出具有一個內部匹配電阻 18Ω 來降低高速訊號的反射現象。在訊號為 且傳輸速率為 10Gb/s 操作下,單端輸入同軸雷射模組可達到 OC-192 規範之眼圖餘裕 (margin) 26%。在差動訊號饋入雷射模組之設計,具有兩反相電壓 V+ 和 V-,將可減低共模雜訊影響。由於差動訊號饋入電阻為並聯的方式,故設計上採用 39Ω 來達到阻抗的匹配。此外共模訊號饋入之雷射模組亦供作對照。雷射模組在共模訊號輸入下,測得參數明滅比 (Extinction Ratio) 為3.5dB,時基誤差 (Jitter) 為23ps。由於承載雷射之基板未做最佳化設計,雷射模組在差動訊號輸入下其量測結果尚未達到最佳,目前量測其 ER值為 1.97dB,jitter 為41.11 ps。
In this study, we present a 10-Gb/s coaxial-type laser modules package with signal input of single-end and differential-end designs, separately. By using the method of coaxial-type package with low-cost and high-performance characteristics, it can be applied to high-speed optical fiber communication, fiber to the home (FTTH), and passive-optical-network (PON) applications.
Because the structure of traditional TO-Can header without proper modification, the laser module with single-end signal input design results in poor RF transmission characteristic. The notch filter effect induced by the parasitic inductance of the long lead and wires is becoming the traditional TO-Can’s one of the major factors.
A coaxial-type laser module with commercial TO-Can materials and an internal matching resistor of 18 ohms to reduce the signal reflection is used in this work. In single end signal modulation, The proposed coaxial laser module is fitted with an internal matching resistor of 18Ω to reduce the signal reflection. With the transmission signal of 231-1 and 10Gb/s operation, the coaxial-type laser module with single-end input can meet the mask of OC-192 standard and 26% eye mask margin. The laser module with the design of differential-end signal input that has two reverse voltage V+ and V- can reduce effect of the common-mode noise. Because the differential-signal input with shunt connection was adopted, the matching resistor of 39ohm was used for impedance matching. In addition, the laser module with common-mode signal input was also used to compare. The laser module with common-mode signal input was measured with ER (extinction-ratio) of 3.5dB and Jitter of 23ps. Due to the laser submount without optimization design, the laser module with differential-mode signal input can not be measured a good result.
第一章 序論
1.1 研究動機…………………………………………………………1
1.2 雷射封裝演進…………………………………………………..1
1.3 論文架構………………………………………………………..4
第二章 TO-Can 雷射模組設計與模擬 (single-end)
2.1 高速雷射調變原理…………………………………….…………5
2.2 雷射小訊號分析……………………………………….…………7
2.3 高速雷射模組等效電路建立…………………………..……….10
2.4 高速雷射模組模擬結果………………………………..……….18
第三章 TO-Can雷射模組封裝
3.1 TO-Can雷射模組結構…………………………………..……….22
3.2 晶粒黏著機系統………………………………………..……….25
3.2.1 晶粒黏著機…………………………………………………25
3.2.2 晶粒黏著機封裝流程……………………………..………..26
3.3 打線機系統……………………………………………..……….31
3.4 雷射銲接系統…………………………………………..……….34
3.5 雷射封裝特性 (single-end).…………………………….………40
3.5.1 雷射光譜量測………………………………………………40
3.5.2 雷射L-I-V量測…………………………………………..….41
3.5.3 雷射小訊號量測……………………………………………42
3.5.4 眼圖量測…………………………………………………....45
第四章 差動式訊號調變雷射模組構裝
4.1 差動雷射模組封裝(共模訊號饋入)..…………………………..49
4.1.1 模組等效電路…………………………………………..…..49
4.1.2 模組製作流程…………………………………………..…..51
4.2 模擬與量測結果……………………………………………..….53
4.3 差動雷射模組封裝(差模訊號饋入)……..……………………..61
4.3.1 雷射模組封裝架構…………………………………………61
4.3.2 雷射模組製作…………………………………………..…..62
4.3.3 模組量測結果…………………………………………..…..64
第五章 結果與討論
5.1 量測結果與討論
5.1.1 Single-end……………………………………………………69
5.2.2 Differential-end……………………………………………...70
5.2 未來工作…………………..…………………………………….71
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