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研究生(外文):Cheng Cheng-Hsin
指導教授(外文):Chang Yi-WenWang Chi-Cheng
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  棒球比賽中,投手為掌握比賽勝負的主要因素之一,過去有許多對於棒球投手的生物力學研究,針對投擲不同變化球時的力學機轉,許多文獻顯示在投擲不同變化球時,力學參數和肌電訊號有些許的不同,另外一方面,動作的一致性和穏定性為維持運動表現的重要條件之一,然而對於投擲不同變化球動作之變異性,過去並無相關研究,因此,本研究的目的為:1.探討及比較投擲不同的球種時,身體各部位之運動學參數及投球側上肢之肌電訊號、2.探討及比較投擲不同的球種時,身體各部位運動學參數及投球側上肢肌電訊號之變異性。本研究以5位大學甲組棒球投手,以EMG量測系統MA300及動態分析量測系統VICON MX分別收集上肢肌肉的肌電訊號及運動學參數的資料,以重複量數單因子變異數分析,比較不同球種(直球、滑球及變速球)之間的運動學參數及肌電訊號值及變異係數是否有顯著差異。結果顯示,投擲不同球路時的運動學參數及肌電訊號有明顯差異,而軀幹旋轉及前傾的變異係數較高,但本研究所探討的運動學參數及肌電訊號之變異係數,並無明顯差異,表示本國大學甲組投手的投球動作,軀幹的穏定性較差,但投球動作的穏定性不會因為投擲球路的不同而有所差異。
  In the baseball competition, pitchers’ performance is one of the most important factors for winning. A lot of studies that have been reported about the biomechanics of the baseball pitching were focused on the mechanism of throwing different types of baseball. These literatures revealed some differences on mechanical parameters and electromyographic signals among different types of baseball pitching. In addition, the consistency of baseball pitching is one of the most important factors for pitchers’ performance. However, there was very little study about the variability analysis during baseball pitching in the literature. The purposes of this research were: (1) to compare the difference on the kinematics data and electromyographic signals during throwing different types of baseball, (2) to compare the difference on the variability of kinematics data and electromyographic signals during throwing different types of baseball. Five collegiate pitchers were recruited. MA300 electromyography analysis system and Vicon MX motion analysis system were used. Electromyographic signals and kinematic parameters were analyzed. One-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to analyze the differences of average and coefficient of relative variability among different types of baseball pitching. The kinematics data and electromyographic signals showed significant differences among different types of baseball pitching. The coefficient of relative variability of the trunk rotation angles and trunk tilt angles were higher than other parameters. But the coefficient of relative variability of the kinematics data and electromyographic signals showed no significant differences. The current results suggest that the stability of trunk of Taiwan collegiate pitchers is lower, but the stability of pitching show no differences among pitching different types of baseball.
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