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研究生(外文):Chen Wei-Yu
指導教授(外文):Wu Sheng-Guang
外文關鍵詞:AboriginalDevelopmental coordination disorder (DCD)Ability of visual information processingTVPS-RVisual perceptual abilityCOVATReaction timeInhibitory response timeResponse error percentage
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  【背景與目的】過去研究發現臺灣原住民兒童在運動表現上明顯比非原住民兒童較佳,然而目前國內尚無學者去探討有關造成兩種族間動作能力之顯著差異的原因,因此本論文從視覺訊息處理過程的觀點進行研究,目的在於比較原住民與非原住民兒童視覺訊息處理能力是否有所差異,並進一步分析原住民兒童的視覺訊息處理能力與動作協調能力之相關性,以探討原住民兒童的視覺訊息處理能力是否為其動作協調能力較佳的原因。【方法】本研究共篩選出214名9~12歲國小原住民與非原住民男童參與本研究計畫,其中36位為發展協調障礙(developmental coordination disorder,縮寫DCD)兒童(包含6位DCD原住民兒童與30位DCD非原住民兒童),另外從136位動作協調能力正常兒童中隨機選取原住民兒童與非原住民兒童各30位。所有兒童均接受Movement ABC 測驗、視知覺技巧測驗(Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills- Revised,縮寫TVPS-R)及潛在式視覺空間注意力任務(covert orienting of visuospatial attention task,縮寫COVAT)三項測驗工具之評估。【結果】在TVPS-R測驗結果中,僅DCD組的原住民與非原住民兒童達顯著差異,在COVAT測驗結果中,無論動作協調能力好壞,原住民與非原住民兒童均未達顯著差異。此外,原住民兒童的整體視知覺能力與手部操作靈活度及整體動作協調能力有關,而視覺空間注意力僅在慣用手執行視覺刺激反應任務時的轉移能力與整體動作協調能力有關。【結論】在動作表現產生之前,原住民兒童所具備的視覺訊息處理能力可能並非是其動作協調能力優於非原住民兒童的主要原因。
  【Background & Purpose】The finding of that the aboriginal children in Taiwan were obviously better in the motor performance than the non-aboriginal children was found in the past studies. However, there was no researcher discussing the reason for the significant difference in the motor ability between the two races currently. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to investigate whether there were difference between the aboriginal and non-aboriginal children in the abilities of visual information processing and further to analyze the correlation between the abilities of visual information processing and motor coordination in the aboriginal children.【Methods】36 children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) (6 for aboriginal and 30 for non-aboriginal) and 60 typically developing children (30 for aboriginal and non-aboriginal, respectively) participated in the study. Each child was evaluated with the Movement ABC test, the Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills- Revised (TVPS-R) and the covert orienting of visuospatial attention task (COVAT). 【Results】In the DCD group, there was a significant difference between races in the test of TVPS-R. In the COVAT task, there were no significant differences between races regardless of the ability of motor coordination. In addition, the aboriginal children’s visual perceptual abilities were significantly correlated with the abilities of manual dexterity and the whole motor coordination. The shifting abilities of visual spatial attention executed by the dominant hand in COVAT task were significantly correlated with the abilities of the whole motor coordination.【Conclusion】The ability of visual information processing possessed by the aboriginal children may not be the main reason for occurring the better ability of motor coordination before producing the motor performance.

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