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研究生(外文):Chou, Chia-Jen
論文名稱(外文):Development and Application of Six Sigma Methodology in Semiconductor Manufacturing Companies
指導教授(外文):Su, Chao-Ton
外文關鍵詞:Six Sigmasemiconductor manufacturingcomputational intelligence
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本研究發展出一套六標準差方法論,包括macro模式與micro 模式。Macro model主要探討的是六標準差策略方面,期許透過此模式將方案進行分類,以找出對企業本身具有高度利益與可行的專案。Macro model主要是透過風險及利益兩方面建構整個評估模式。另一方面,micro model是針對六標準差專案的執行層面,利用六標準差有效的執行步驟來達到預期的專案目標。本研究也導入用以解決複雜問題的計算智慧技術,更進一步的協助企業解決專案的問題。
本研究以半導體廠為例透過所提出的macro model,為個案公司快速的篩選有用的專案,並成功的將專案分成黑帶、綠帶及無效益的專案種類。此外,運用micro model的問題解決過程以及計算智慧(computational intelligence)的技術,本研究有效地降低個案公司的不良問題點,並大大的提昇了良率。
Six Sigma has been widely adopted in a variety of industries in the world and it has become one of the most important subjects of debate in quality management. Six Sigma is a well-structured methodology that can help a company achieve expected goal through continuous project improvement. Some challenges, however, have emerged with the execution of the Six Sigma. For examples, how are feasible projects generated? How are critical Six Sigma projects selected given the finite resources of the organization? On the other hand, semiconductor manufacturing industries in Taiwan have had significant growth over the last decade in the world and also make up for the bulk of economic benefits. Semiconductor foundries are multi-layer organizations with complex systems and complicated division of labor. Due to the organization structure is huge; when a semiconductor foundry executes the Six Sigma methodology is ineffective and difficult to achieve the organization objectives. A completely and system procedure for implementing the Six Sigma methodology into semiconductor manufacturing industries is necessary and beneficial.
This study aims to develop the knowledge based Six Sigma methodology which is involved macro model and micro model. The macro model is focus on the strategy of Six Sigma which is including project generation, project evaluation, project selection and so on. The objective of macro model is to effectively identify the vital project. In addition, the micro model is aimed at the practical of Six Sigma. The micro model is to implement the DMAIC cycle to achieve the objective of each project. Furthermore, we conduct the computational intelligence approach to resolve the complex project problem.
This proposed procedure of macro model was successfully help the case company divided project into Black belt project, green belt project and profitless project. In addition, the micro model which is conducting the computational intelligence approach is effectively decrease the waste of manufacturing process and reaches the optimization situation.
摘要 i
誌謝 v
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Research Motivations 4
1.3 Research Objectives 5
1.4 Organization 6
2.1 Six Sigma 7
2.2 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 9
2.3 Analytic Hierarchy Process 12
2.4 Response Surface Method 13
2.5 Desirability Function 15
2.6 Neural Networks 16
2.7 Genetic algorithms 19
2.8 Multi-objective problem and computational intelligence 22
3.1 Overview 25
3.2 Macro model 28
3.3 Micro model 31
4.1 Background of the case company 38
4.2 Implementation 38
4.3 Concluding remarks 46
5.1 Introduction 48
5.2 Improving the IMD process by using Six Sigma DMAIC methodology 50
5.3 Improving the IMD process by a computational intelligence approach 66
5.4 Comparison and discussions 69
Appendix A 81
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