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研究生(外文):Yang, Cheng-Chih
指導教授(外文):Chang, Shih-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:Adjustable Delay BuffersClock Tree
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In synchronous circuit designs, clock skew is difficult to minimize because a single physical layout of a clock tree must satisfy multiple constraints in a complicated power mode environment where certain modules may operate with different voltages. In this paper, we use Adjustable Delay Buffers (ADB) whose delays can be tuned or adjusted to minimize clock skew under different power modes. Assuming that the positions of k ADBs are already determined, we propose a linear-time optimal algorithm which assigns the values of ADBs so that the skew is optimal among all possible ADB assignments. We also propose an efficient heuristic to determine good positions for ADBs. Our results show significant improvement when compared to cases without ADBs.
Abstract 5
List of Contents: 6
List of Figures: 7
List of Tables: 8
Chapter 1 Introduction 9
Chapter 2 Illustrative Example 13
Chapter 3 A Linear Time Optimal Assignment for Adjustable Delay Buffer 15
3.1. Leaf Node Partitioning 17
3.2. Skew-Optimal Linear Time Algorithm 21
3.3. Calculation of Clock Skew under Optimal Assignments 27
3.4. Reduction of The Maximum Clock Latency 29
Chapter 4 Efficient Heuristic for ADB Position Selection 31
4.1 Dealing with Multiple Modes of A Clock Tree 34
Chapter 5 Experimental Results 35
Chapter 6 Conclusions 39
References 41
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