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論文名稱(外文):A Stochastic System on a Chip Basing on the Diffusion Network
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To recognize biomedical signal, a problem that we often have to face is the noise in the real world. With the noise, biomedical signal will be different every time. For example, the heartbeat of one healthy person must be different a little every time, but we’ll not diagnose it is an abnormal heartbeat. So we have to consider the effect of the noise into the biomedical signal when we try to classify or recognize them. One kind of algorithm called Diffusion Network is suitable for this kind of condition. It includes the noise term in the equation. Once it learned the signal, the system can tollerance the noise interference in a certain extent. Another characteristic is the Diffusion Network considers the time-varying coefficient. The characteristic makes the system recognize the signal real time and it is a very strong point in the application.
Unsatisfying at the learning and recognition of the signal, we try to implement the Diffusion Network into VLSI technology, which will be portable and convenient. Thinking about it, if there is a portable instrument which can learn or recognize the biomedical signal, it is how helpful for the medical treatment. The first step is to make the neurons in the Diffusion Network be a ciruit system. The problem we face is how to transfrom these equations into circuit construction and what is the mapping of the parameter between the mathematical value and the value in the circuit. After overcome these questions, we try to reconstruct the signals with the circuit system, and then compare the result with the mathematical computation.
In the end, we implement the circuit into VLSI technology. From the chip testing, there are some errors between the chip and the simulation of the circuits. We discuss the reasons and try to modify them. After that, we hope the system can reconstruct the signals successfully.

第一章 內容介紹 1
1.1 研究動機與目標.................................1
1.2 研究結果貢獻...................................2
1.3 章節簡介.......................................3
第二章 相關文獻回顧 4
2.1 擴散網路模型...................................4
2.2 擴散網路學習理論...............................7
2.2.1 蒙地卡羅權重取樣法.............................7
2.2.2 蒙地卡羅期望值最大化學習法.....................9
2.3 擴散網路重建理論..............................12
2.4 擴散網路單一個神經元在超大型積體電路的實現....13
2.5 總結..........................................14
第三章 由數學模擬定出數值與電路間參數的對應關係 15
3.1 擬定擴散網路數學模擬時參數的範圍限制和初始值..15
3.1.1 數學模擬時參數的範圍限制......................15
3.1.2 數學模擬時參數的初始值........................18
3.2 用擴散網路學習人造訊號和生醫訊號..............20
3.2.1 學習不同頻率的弦波............................20
3.2.2 學習分支曲線..................................26
3.2.3 學習心電圖....................................29
3.2.4 學習螺旋訊號..................................32
3.2.5 學習希臘字母..................................35
3.3 擴散網路數學模擬的參數範圍和積體電路的對應關係37
3.4 總結..........................................41
第四章 擴散網路神經元的內部電路結構 42
4.1 電流乘法器電路架構............................42
4.2 電流傳送器電路架構............................49
4.3 可變電阻電路架構..............................53
4.4 電壓電流轉換器電路架構........................58
4.5 Sigmoid電路架構...............................62
4.6 補償電路架構和權重電流源電路架構..............66
4.7 電壓緩衝器電路架構............................70
4.8 雜訊產生器電路架構............................71
4.9 單一神經元的結構和外部控制訊號................78
4.10 總結..........................................80
第五章 利用擴散網路神經元電路系統模擬重建訊號 81
5.1 整個神經元網路的結構和外部控制訊號............81
5.2 由數學模擬取參數在電路上重建正弦波............85
5.3 由數學模擬取參數在電路上重建分支曲線..........94
5.4 由數學模擬取參數在電路上重建心電圖............96
5.5 由數學模擬取參數在電路上重建螺旋訊號..........99
5.6 由數學模擬取參數在電路上重建希臘字母.........101
5.7 總結.........................................103
第六章 實際積體電路上量測到擴散網路的特性 104
6.1 單一神經元內的電路區塊.......................104
6.1.1 可變電阻電路的量測...........................104
6.1.2 補償電路的量測...............................107
6.1.3 Sigmoid電路的量測............................108
6.1.4 電流乘法器、權重電流源和電流傳送器的量測.....115
6.2 總結.........................................120
第七章 結論 121
7.1 研究總結.....................................121
7.2 研究未來發展方向.............................122
參考文獻 124

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