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研究生(外文):Marquelda Ruiz Cortez
論文名稱(外文):Corporate Diversification, Value, Maximization and Organizational Capabilities: Sugar Cane Industry in Panama
指導教授(外文):Sieh-Hwa Lin
外文關鍵詞:DiversificationMaximizationValuesOrganizational Capabilities
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This study applies Matsusaka’s Model which is a dynamic model to the Panama sugar industry. In this model diversification can be a value-maximizing strategy even if specialization is generally efficient. The central idea is that firms are composed of organizational capabilities that can be profitable in multiple businesses and that diversification is a search process by which firms seek businesses that are good matches for their capabilities.
Two major sugar cane industries in Panama with their diversified pattern were analyzed to provide concrete and reliable information about their achievements. By the application of the equations content in the model; this study attempt to determinate whether or not this model could explain Sugar Cane industry in Panama. This model would be oriented to determinate diversification pattern on first; following that it would provide corporate and organizational capabilities by mixing internal and external input.
Twenty years of production had been provided for those organizations. Diversification patter differs by firm. Two kind of diversification pattern had been showed up. Concentric diversification, where the new business produces products that are technically similar to the company's current product but that appeal to a new consumer group and Conglomerate diversification, where the new business produces products that are totally unrelated to the company's current product and that appeal to an entirely new consumer group.


Sugar Industry Diversification’s Bases 1
Current Trends for Panama Sugar Market 4
The Model 9
Time Serial of Top and Middle Managers 9
Statement of the Problem 10
Purposes of the Study 10
Expected Alternatives 12
Significance of the Study 13
Delimitations and Limitation of the Study 13
Definitions of Terms 15

Organizational Capabilities 19
Diversification Managerial Explanation 22
Dark Side of Corporate Diversification 28
Product Diversification and Profitability 31
Corporate Value 33
Overview of Panama Agriculture, GDP and Sugar Cane Crop Product 36
Panama Economic Activities 36
Best Practice 37

Research Framework 42
Research Procedure 45
Data Analysis 55

Chapter Overview 57
Empirical Result 57
Company example B overall’s production reflects fluctuations by twenty years of production. 66
Revenue and indirect values 78

Conclusions 82
Discussions 83
Recommendations 85


APPENDIX A: Organizational capability collection data format – Marketing 91
APPENDIX B: Organizational capability collection data format – Management 92
APPENDIX C: Organizational capability collection data format – Production distribution 93
APPENDIX D: Company A - External input matrix –G1 to G5 94
APPENDIX E: Company B - External input matrix –G1 to G6 98
APPENDIX F: Companies productions values 103
APPENDIX G: Companies diversificied values 104
APPENDIX H: Time distribution values 106


Figure1.1. Availability of product diversification of sugar cane industry 3
Figure1.2. Company A - Organizational Structure 6
Figure1.3. Company B - Organizational structure 8
Figure1.4. Matsusaka’s diversification model framework 11
Figure 3.1. Methodology flow chart 46
Figure 4.1. Company A - Production and price behavior 61
Figure 4.2. Company A - Diversified product (g1, g2,) trends by the last twenty years 64
Figure 4.3. Company A - Diversified product (g4, g5,) trends by the last twenty years 65
Figure 4.4. Company B - Production and price behavior 66
Figure 4.5. Diversified product (g1, g2) trends by the last twenty years 69
Figure 4.6. Diversified product (g3, g4) trends by the last twenty years 70
Figure 4.7. Diversified product (g5, g6) trends by the last twenty years 71
Figure 4.8. Company A - Diversification values 72
Figure 4.9. Company A - Diversification values (g1, g2) 73
Figure 4.10. Company A - Diversification values(g4, g5)74
Figure 4.11. Company B - Diversification values 75
Figure 4.12.Company B - Diversification values (g1, g2) 76
Figure 4.13. Company A - Diversification values (g2, g3)77
Figure 4.14. Company A - Diversification values (g5, g6)77
Figure 4.15. Diversification values - company A and company B 78
Figure 4.16. Single and multiple business value 79
Figure 4.17. Complemented values of companies examples 81
Figure 5.1. Organizational values results 84

Table 1.1 Diversification economic results for different sugar product 13
Table 2.1. Crop production, harvest and yield in Panama 37
Table 3.1. Time distribution format – Marketing 48
Table 3.2. Time distribution format - Management 49
Table 3.3. Time distribution format – Operation and distribution 49
Table 3.4. Top and middle managers example format (Organizational capabilities examples 1) 50
Table 3.5. Top and middle manager target for the study (Organizational capabilities example 2) 52
Table 3.6. Organizational capabilities matrix (Time ditribution matrix) 53
Table 3.7. External input matrix 54
Table 4.1. Company A - Time distribution of top and middle managers 58
Table 4.2. Company B - Time distribution of top and middle managers 60
Table 4.3. Company A - Production value by twenty year production 63
Table 4.4. Company B - Production behavior by twenty years of production 67
Table 4.5. Company A - General’s values 72
Table 4.6. Company B - General’s values 75
Table 4.7. Company A and B - Complemented values 80

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