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研究生(外文):Li-Ching Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Study of the Satisfaction and Revisiting Willingness from Marine Outdoor Education of Elementary School Teachers in Keelung City
指導教授(外文):Ching-Hsiewn Ou
外文關鍵詞:Keelung elementary schoolmarine educationoutdoor educationexpectationssatisfactionsImportance-Performance analysis
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摘  要
The purpose of this studies was to explore the teachers’ expectations, satisfaction, revisiting willingness and the influence factor on the marine outdoor education site of the Keelung elementary school. By using the technique of Importance
-Performance Analysis(IPA), we know well that the advantages and disadvantages of outdoor teaching sites ,and beneficial to popularize the firsthand experience form marine outdoor education. The research shows as follows:
(1)Most visit teachers were female, but compare with Keelung city's teacher rate, the male’s rate were higher than female, age 30~40 , college degree, 5~10years teaching experience occupy the majority in each marine outdoor education site.
(2)Most teacher’s visiting information were recommended by colleague or self experience, first time visiting, visiting students number less than 70 , to request support to take care students, 3 hours visiting one time. Most of teachers do pre-education before the activity are “to introduce place and route” and “to explain the relationship between the outdoor education and curriculum”, and ask student to do oral reports or worksheets after the marine outdoor education.
(3)The indoor visit guides are arranged by the organization, and school teachers interpret on outdoor activity. Not too much volunteers involved in the marine outdoor education.
(4)Most teacher pay much attention to safety place and the extend of curriculum. There are good cooperation curriculum integration about Flexible Curriculum, Social Studies, Science-and-Technology learning domain which have high satisfactions, and all study place are good connect with curriculum.
(5)Visiting Fisheries Research Institute is adapted for the 4th grade students. The 5th and 6th grade students are adapted in Yang Ming Oceanic Culture & Art Museum, the Chao-Jing Aquaculture Station and Tidal Park and Hoping island seashore park. Visiting a nearby school gun emplacement is adapted for 4th and 5th grade students. And Bisha fishing port is adapted for grade 2.
(6)The teacher’s willingness for revisiting and recommending is high. The interviewed teachers recommend Hoping island seashore park most, and Yang Ming Oceanic Culture & Art Museum win the highest revisiting reputation.
(7)The teachers mostly have no difference on expectations and satisfactions, except that sponsor and guide arrangement. When the teachers are nonsponsor and the guide were arranged by the organization ,most teachers have higher expectations and satisfactions.
(8)Besides Yang Ming Oceanic Culture & Art Museum, other places are short of operation equipment. Both Toilet set and clearing are the same parts need to be improved in Hoping island seashore park, school nearby gun emplacement and Bisha fishing port.
(9)By this research, it show the revisiting willingness were positive correlated with entire satisfaction. Except for school nearby gun emplacement, it shows revisiting willingness were higher positive correlated with the linkage to curriculum. The more satisfaction at he linkage to curriculum, the more revisiting willingness it is.

Key Words:Keelung elementary school, marine education,
outdoor education, expectations, satisfactions,
Importance-Performance analysis.
謝 辭
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究方法 3
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
第五節 研究架構 4
第貳章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 海洋教育 6
第二節 戶外教學 10
第三節 重視度、滿意度與再遊意願 21
第四節 小結 24
第參章 海洋教育戶外教學地點與解說志工團體 36
第一節 水產試驗所 36
第二節 陽明海洋文化藝術館 37
第三節 海科館潮境公園 38
第四節 和平島公園 40
第五節 砲台 42
第六節 碧砂漁港 48
第七節 基隆市的解說志工團體 49
第八節 小結 51
第肆章 問卷設計與實施 83
第一節 問卷設計 83
第二節 問卷對象 84
第三節 問卷假設 85
第四節 問卷實施流程 85
第五節 資料處理與分析 87
第六節 小結 90
第伍章 結果與討論 96
第一節 教師背景與參觀規劃資料分析 96
第二節 重視度與滿意度分析 105
第三節 再遊意願分析 113
第四節 教師背景與參觀規劃在重視度及滿意度之差異分析 114
第五節 重視度與滿意度的重要—表現程度分析 119
第六節 滿意度對重遊意願之相關分析 128
第七節 小結 130
第陸章 結論與建議 177
第一節 結論 177
第二節 建議 178
參考文獻 182
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