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研究生(外文):Yen-Te Wu
論文名稱(外文):Estimating the Stochastic Frontier Production Function for Tilapia Farms in Taiwan Using Pooled Data
指導教授(外文):Fu-Sung Chiang
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan TilapiaTaiwan AquacultureTechnical EfficiencyTechnical Inefficiency ModelStochastic Production Frontier
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本研究主要是應用Farrell (1957)所提出生產邊界之概念,並利用電腦軟體FRONTIER VERSION 4.1來進行隨機性邊界生產模型之估計,分析台灣鯛養殖技術效率與影響養殖技術效率的因素對其產量的影響,並建立台灣鯛養殖產業各養殖戶的產量邊界函數及技術無效率模型,作為測定各養殖戶生產技術效率之基礎。進一步認定台灣鯛養殖產量之無效率主要影響因素,檢定產量邊界函數及技術無效率模型之適當性。此外,本研究特別比較各年份之技術無效率影響性,並推估個別養殖場之技術效率值與區間分佈,做為提高台灣鯛產值建議之依據。本研究為七年之整合型資料研究,相較於以往之單年研究,可從更廣泛之角度研究台灣鯛之產業概況。
According to Taiwan’s Fisheries Yearbook, in term of production and export, Tilapia ranks first among all species in Taiwan’s aquaculture industry. The production was 76,097 metric tons in 2007 with export exceeding all other species in Taiwan’s aquaculture industry. It is the only fishery product chosen by the Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture as one of the four flagship agricultural exports. Clearly, Tilapia is very important for Taiwan.
This thesis makes use of the concept of production frontier suggested by Farrell (1957) in estimating the stochastic production frontier by FRONTIER VERSION 4.1 to analyze technical efficiency of Tilapia aquaculture and the impact of factors affecting technical efficiency on output. We determine output boundary function and the model of inefficiency as the basis for analyzing all tilapia farms. Further, this research compares technological inefficiency over various years, and estimates the value of technology inefficiency of individual farms and their spatial distribution as the basis for making suggestions to increase the value of tilapia output value. We use an integrated data over seven years in our research. In comparison with previous studies, which are based on data of a single year, we are able to study Taiwan’s tilapia industry from a broader perspective.

Our result shows that translog function gives the best fits. The value for returns to scale is 1.01, indicating constant returns to scale. Technical efficiency value using translog function is 0.847 and the production error is approximately 91.7%, coming from the personal error factor. Mono-culture/poly-culture, operation scale, farming experience and the year difference all affect the technical efficiency significantly. In addition, we estimate the maximum expected output after the breeding farms overcomes the factors of technical inefficiency, allowing a more effective utilization of resources and reducing unnecessary expense. Our result may provide fishery authorities or related fishery association useful references for promoting production efficiency and achieving future production target in fish farms.

Therefore, fish farms or types of aquaculture that are more efficient may be examples for the less efficient fish farms to imitate. This will be the direction for Taiwan’s aquaculture industry to improve in the future and in particular for the tilapia industry to strengthen its overall competitiveness and to promote Taiwan’s competitive advantage in the international market.
謝 辭 i
摘 要 iii
Abstarct v
目 錄 vii
表 次 ix
圖 次 x
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究方法與步驟 3
第四節 論文架構與研究流程 5
第貳章 台灣鯛養殖產業之概況 8
第一節 台灣鯛養殖技術與經營概況 8
第二節 台灣鯛市場概況 15
第參章 文獻回顧與理論模型 20
第一節 文獻回顧 20
第二節 生產邊界理論 24
第肆章 資料處理與模型設定說明 30
第一節 資料處理與變數之選取說明 30
第二節 隨機性生產邊界理論基礎 34
第三節 隨機性邊界生產函數模型之設定 38
第伍章 實證分析與結果 44
第一節 隨機性邊界生產函數估計結果 44
第二節 技術無效率因子分析結果 49
第三節 養殖場之技術效率分析 53
第陸章 結論與建議 59
第一節 結論 59
第二節 建議 60
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 61
參考文獻 63
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National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries),http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/
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