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研究生(外文):Ming-Ju Yang
論文名稱(外文):Players' Quality Concern and Satisfaction to Online Game – the Moderate of Motivations
指導教授(外文):Chih-Chien Wang
外文關鍵詞:MMORPG functional qualityMMORPG service qualityMMORPG motivationplayer satisfaction
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本研究採用問卷調查法,在台灣知名線上社群「PTT」進行網路問卷調查。調查後總共回收1030份問卷,整理後有效問卷共計874份,有效問卷回收率約84.85%。本研究採用Cronbach’s α檢驗問卷信度,並採用結構方程模式、集群分析、變異數分析及t檢定等分析驗證研究假說。研究結果發現:(1)大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲的功能品質(大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲故事、畫面、長度與介面)會正向影響玩家對於大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲的滿意程度。(2)大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲的服務品質(安全/隱私與資訊內涵)會正向影響玩家對於大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲的滿意程度。(3)高度動機的大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲玩家會注重功能品質中的故事與控制和服務品質中的安全/隱私與資訊內涵。(4)社交動機的大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲玩家會注重功能品質中的畫面和服務品質中的安全/隱私與資訊內涵。(5)低度動機的大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲玩家會注重功能品質中的故事、畫面、長度與介面和服務品質中的資訊內涵。
Online games has become a popular online activities in these years. MMORPG is the one kind of online games which most players play and is the majority market of online games. Many MMORPG firms design and promote the MMORPGs to players to gain more revenues. MMORPG players’ satisfaction is important to MMORPG firms. MMORPG quality is the basis to affect MMORPG players’ satisfaction. Besides, MMORPG players play MMORPGs from different motivations, thus, motivations of players also influence MMORPG quality on satisfaction of MMORPG players which were discussed in this study.
This study examines the influence of MMORPG functional quality dimensions (MMORPG story, MMORPG graphics, MMORPG sound, MMORPG length, MMORPG control, and MMORPG interface) and MMORPG service quality dimensions (security/privacy, empathy, responsiveness, and informativeness) on MMORPG players’ satisfaction. Besides, this study propose the motivations of MMORPG players was the moderate to comprehend the influence of MMORPG functional and service quality to players’ satisfaction.
To examine the research framework proposed in this study, an online questionnaire was adopted. This study surveyed the subjects who had ever played MMORPGs. The data was recruited on ptt (www.ptt.cc)" which is based on Bulletin Board System (BBS), and which is now the largest online community website in Taiwan. The final sample consisted of 874 surveys, and Structure Equation Model was utilized to examine the research model proposed in this study.
The main findings of this study were listed as follow. First, MMORPG functional quality (MMORPG story, MMORPG graphics, MMORPG length, and MMORPG control) would positively influence satisfaction of MMORPG player and MMORPG service quality (security/privacy and informativeness) positively influence on MMORPG players’ satisfaction while MMORPG sound, MMORPG interface, empathy, and responsiveness does not significant affect on MMORPG players’ satisfaction. Besides, Cluster analysis was applied and revealed that there were three main kinds of motivations about MMORPG players: ‘High motivation’, ‘Social motivation’ and ‘Low motivation’. Statistically significant effect between each cluster were examined in this study. In ‘High motivation’ cluster, MMORPG functional quality (MMORPG story and MMORPG control) and MMORPG service quality (security/privacy and informativeness) would positively influence satisfaction of MMORPG player. In ‘Social motivation’ cluster, MMORPG functional quality (MMORPG graphics) and MMORPG service quality (security/privacy and informativeness) would positively influence satisfaction of MMORPG player. In ‘Low motivation’ cluster, MMORPG functional quality (MMORPG story, MMORPG graphics, MMORPG length, and MMORPG control) and MMORPG service quality (informativeness) would positively influence satisfaction of MMORPG player.
國立臺北大學九十七學年度第二學期學位論文提要 ii
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Questions 2
2.1. MMORPG functional quality 3
2.2. MMORPG Service quality 4
2.3. Motivation 6
3.1. Participants 8
3.2. Measure 8
3.3 Reliability 8
3.4.1. Construct Validity 10
3.4.2. Convergent Validity 11
3.4.3. Discriminant Validity 13
3.5. Common Method Variance 16
4.1. Descriptive statistics 17
4.2. Structural model of MMORPG quality and satisfaction 18
4.3. Modified structural model of MMORPG quality and satisfaction 20
4.4. Cluster analysis of MMORPG motivations 22
4.5. Structural model of MMORPG quality and satisfaction among three clusters 23
4.5.1. Structural model of MMORPG quality and satisfaction in high motivation group 23
4.5.2. Structural model of MMORPG quality and satisfaction in social motivation group 24
4.5.3 Structural model of MMORPG quality and satisfaction in low motivation group 25
4.6. ANOVA analysis of three clusters 29
4.7. Multiple regression analysis of MMORPG quality and satisfaction 30
4.7.1. Multiple regression analysis of MMORPG quality and satisfaction in high motivation group 31
4.7.2. Multiple regression analysis of MMORPG quality and satisfaction in social motivation group 31
4.7.3. Multiple regression analysis of MMORPG quality and satisfaction in low motivation group 31
4.8. Gender difference of the study variables 32
5.1. Conclusion 34
5.2. Theoretical Contribution 36
5.3. Practical Contribution 37
5.4. Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies 37
A1:The items of mean and standard deviation 43
A2:The items of mean and standard deviation by gender 46
A3:Online Questionnaire 49
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