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研究生(外文):YU, I-YIN
外文關鍵詞:web2.0corporate social responsibilityCSRCSR2.0value co-creationDART
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本研究採探索性研究,以文獻分析、次級資料分析及網站觀察為主。並以Prahalad and Ramaswamy (2002)價值共創的基石「DART」與Web2.0服務項目,作為個案研究分析的模型。以瞭解企業如何運用Web2.0服務促進消費者與企業進行共創的過程,並達成企業社會責任的目標。並以分析的結果與CSR2.0原則比對,闡釋該個案經由共創的過程促進CSR2.0。
1. Web2.0提供企業接觸社會大眾,以及溝通的管道。
2. 市場的需求驅使企業採用web2.0 。
3. 企業應用web2.0實踐企業社會責任的方式,相當多元。
4. 企業應用web2.0實踐企業社會責任的方式,與企業之屬性相關。
5. 具有商譽的企業願意應用web2.0推廣、實踐企業社會責任。
6. Web2.0提供價值共創四元素(DART)的平台。
7. Web2.0擴大社會大眾與企業的互動點範圍,進而達成價值共創。
8. Web2.0發揮其基礎屬性與體驗屬性,提供多元的共創經驗網路。
9. Web2.0可提供共同創造的平台,促使新企業社會責任 (CSR2.0) 的湧現。
10.Web2.0 啟動DART 機制,促使新企業社會責任 (CSR2.0) 的湧現。
1. 企業應用web2.0 落實於企業社會責任,實踐價值共創,提高策略意涵,達到策
3.國外企業社會責任Web2.0 跨平台商業模式,可提供國內業界參考。
Web 2.0 appears after the internet bubble in 2000, it takes one step ahead of the application of the information circulation and social participation. In the field of corporate social responsibility, the focus of the discussion includes that the corporation should respond the expectation and demand of the society passively; and the subjects that the society is concerning about; besides, it is hoped that the corporation can carry out the strategy of the social responsibility and create the meaningful, positive and active influence.
The viewpoint in this research is with the characteristic and techniques of Web 2.0, it is able to provide the tool and channel for the corporation to perform its corporate social responsibility through the way of co-creating value of society and corporation. The workable method will drive the emergence of CSR 2.0.
This research is an exploratory research, it is based on documentary analysis, secondary data analysis and observation on sites, using the key foundations of co-creation - dialogue, access, risk assessment, and transparency-“DART” of Prahalad and Ramswamy (2002) and Web 2.0 Service as the mode of the individual case analysis, in order to understand the progress that the corporation promotes the mutual creation with consumers with Web2.0 Service, and achieves the target of corporate social responsibility. Comparing the result of analysis with the principles of CSR2.0, interpret the individual case’s emergence of CSR2.0 through value co-creation.
The cases are based on the international corporation : 1.HP; 2.Wal-mart; 3.Timberland; 4. Starbucks.
The discovery of the research analysis:
1. Web2.0 offers the channel of contact and communication between the corporation and the society.
2. “Co-creation converts the market into a forum” pushes the corporations to adopt Web2.0
3. It is pretty diverse that the way that the corporation fulfill the corporate social responsibility.
4. It is related to the characteristic of the corporation that the way that the corporation fulfill the corporate social responsibility.
5. The corporation who has great reputation is willing to promote and fulfill the corporate social responsibility with Web2.0.
6. Web2.0 provides the platform of the 4 foundation of co-creating value- “DART”.
7. Web2.0 expands the range of interactive point of the society and corporation, and further achieves the “value co-creating”.
8. Web2.0 elaborates its specialty of basis and experience and offers various “Co-creating” experience network.
9. Web2.0 can offer the “Co-creating” platform and drive the emergence of CSR2.0.
10. Web2.0 activate the “DART” mechanism and drives the emergence CSR2.0.
謝  辭 II
中文論文提要 III
英文論文提要 V
目  錄 VII
圖  次 IX

第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究範圍 3
第四節 論文章節結構 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 Web2.0 7
第二節 企業社會責任 17
第三節 CSR 2.0 27
第四節 價值共創 (Value Co-creation) 32
第三章 研究方法 39
第一節 研究方法 39
第二節 研究架構與流程 41
第三節 個案選擇 43
第四節 研究限制 45
第四章 個案研究分析 46
第一節 Hewlett-Packard (HP惠普公司) 46
第二節 Wal-Mart (沃爾瑪) 58
第三節 Timberland (天柏嵐) 71
第四節 Starbucks(星巴客咖啡) 88
第五章 研 究 發 現 105
第一節 個案綜合比較分析 105
第二節 研究發現 110
第六章 結論與建議 125
第一節 研究結論 125
第二節 管理意涵 126
第三節 後續研究建議 127
參考文獻 129
一、 中文部份 129
二、 英文部份 130
三、 網站 135
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