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研究生(外文):Yi-Min Chen
論文名稱(外文):Multi-touch Gestural 4D Viewing on Handheld Devices
外文關鍵詞:Multi-touchgesturemotion interfacehandheld computer4D viewing
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4D CAD has been found having the capabilities to improve the communication between project team and property owner, prevent the spatial and time conflict, and promote the productivity. It is often inconvenient to carry bulky plans and reference documents into the field. And Handheld computers seem to have the potential to solve this problem. But when applying 4D CAD on handheld computers like PDA, there are two problems must be overcome. One is that the limitation of processing power and the size of the memory of a handheld computer. The other is that the input device of a handheld computer is not suitable for navigating in a virtual environment.
In this research we develop a multi-touch gesture prototype for 4D model viewing on a handheld device. We carry out a user tests to validate whether the developed gestures are more intuitive for users to manipulate 4D model on handheld devices in a construction site.
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 2
1.2 研究目的 5
1.3 研究步驟與方法 6
1.4 論文組織 7
第2章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 手持式裝置在工地上的應用 8
2.2 多點觸碰技術與動作偵測 9
2.3 現有4D軟體的瀏覽功能 11
第3章 多點觸碰與動作偵測於4D模型瀏覽 介面實作 14
3.1 多點觸碰與動作偵測於4D模型瀏覽介面架構 14
3.2 多點觸碰與動作偵測於瀏覽4D模型的操作姿勢 16
3.3 影像式4D模型建置步驟 22
第4章 使用者測試分析 30
4.1 測試目的與對象 30
4.2 使用者測試方法與流程 32
4.3 測試結果分析 36
4.4 討論 39
第5章 結論與建議 43
5.1 結論 43
5.2 建議 44
參考文獻…… …………………………………………………………….45
附錄一 使用者測試題本(A卷) 51
附錄二 使用者測試題本(B卷) 54
附錄三 使用性測試題本 57
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