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研究生(外文):Chih-Hao Pai
論文名稱(外文):Development of High-Field Plasma Photonic Devices
指導教授(外文):Jyhpyng Wang
外文關鍵詞:PlasmasOptical fabricationFrequency conversionTomographySelf-guidingRaman effect
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The advent of femtosecond lasers with relativistic intensity has opened a new frontier of research—high-field physics. Under such a strong electromagnetic field it becomes possible to use plasmas as nonlinear optical medium. Plasma nonlinear optics is a crucial approach for controlling laser-plasma interaction in high-field physics. The ability to fabricate gas and/or plasma density structures is the crucial element for attaining fine control on laser-plasma interaction. In this thesis, the development of an effective method for fabricating arbitrary transient plasma structures that function as programmable photonic devices in high-field physics is presented. Among various devices based on plasma nonlinear optics, periodic plasma structures are essential for achieving quasi-phase matching in relativistic harmonic generation, and plasma waveguide are essential for extending the effective length of laser-plasma interaction. These plasma structures can be fabricated by programmed machining pulses using the ignitor-heater scheme, and the structures will not be damaged by the following femtosecond main pulse because ions in the structures move in a much longer time scale. By using a programmed periodic plasma structure, quasi-phase matching in relativistic harmonic generation was achieved, and the on-axis intensity of the harmonic was increased by 50 folds. By using a plasma waveguide, the interaction length of backward Raman amplification was significantly increased, and a gain of near 1000 was achieved. These experiments demonstrate that laser-fabricated plasma structures can play an important role in the future development of high-field physics.
Abstract v
List of Figures vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 High-Field Plasma Nonlinear Optics 1
1.2 IAMS 10-TW Laser System 4
1.3 Experimental Techniques on Laser-Plasma Interaction 6
1.4 About the Thesis 9
2 Fabrication of Transient Plasma Structures by Laser Machining 13
2.1 Fabrication of Spatial Transient Density Structures 13
2.2 Optical System for Laser Machining 15
2.3 System Configuration 16
2.4 Characteristics of Plasma Density Structures 20
2.4.1 Basic Characteristics 20
2.4.2 Plasma Density Distributions 23
2.5 Tomography of High Harmonic Generation in a Cluster Jet 27
2.5.1 High Harmonic Generation from Gases 27
2.5.2 Experimental Setup and Diagnostic Tools 30
2.5.3 Principle of Tomographic Measurement of Laser-Plasma Interaction 32
2.5.4 Tomographic Measurement of High Harmonic Generation in a Ar Cluster Jet 34
2.6 Programmable Mask 40
2.7 Plasma Waveguide 46
2.8 Adaptive Feedback Control 49
3 Quasi-Phase Matching of Relativistic Harmonic Generation by a Periodic Plasma Waveguide 51
3.1 Introduction 51
3.2 Relativistic Harmonic Generation 53
3.2.1 Basic Physics 53
3.2.2 Quasi-Phase Matching of the Relativistic Harmonics 54
3.2.3 Experimental Setup and Diagnostic Tools 56
3.3 Quasi-Phase-Matched Relativistic Third Harmonic Generation 60
3.3.1 Characteristics of the Third Harmonics 60
3.3.2 Enhancement of Relativistic Third Harmonic by a Periodic Waveguide 64
4 Backward Raman Amplification in a Plasma Waveguide 71
4.1 Plasma-Based Laser Amplification 71
4.2 Demonstration of Backward Raman Amplification in a Plasma Waveguide 76
4.2.1 System Design and Configuration 77
4.2.2 Guiding of the laser pulses by the plasma waveguide 78
4.2.3 Characterization of the Amplified Seed Pulse 82
4.3 Advantage and Limitation 89
5 Conclusion and Perspective 93
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