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論文名稱(外文):Parents’ Perception of Family-Centered Practice and Parenting Self-Efficacy among Primary Caregivers Using Early Intervention Services at Taipei
外文關鍵詞:early intervention servicesperceptions of family-centeredparenting self-efficacy
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Family-centered early intervention services emphasized working with families as a key means to promote development and well-being for developmentally delayed children. Empirical evidence indicated that building collaborative partnership and promoting empowerment in working with families had a positive impact on primary caregivers'' parental confidence and efficacy. When providing services to families, early intervention workers should focus improving parenting efficacy of the primary caregivers in order to enhance children positive development. This study examined the relationship between perception of family-centered services and parenting efficacy among primary caregivers, when controlling for family characteristics and service use patterns.
This study used a quantitative research approach to examine the correlated relationship between service perception and parenting efficacy. Structured survey questionnaires were mailed to inquire primary caregivers about their using early intervention services at Taipei. This study purposively sampled 1,742 families from six early intervention community centers and twelve early intervention training institutions literally providing family centered services. Five hundred and seventy-three primary caregivers responded to the mailed questionnaires. The response rate was 33.08%, within an acceptable range. Among them, five hundred and twenty-one responses were valid for an further analysis.
Findings of the study were summarized as the followings. (1) Children’s characteristics were not significantly associated with parental efficacy of there primary caregivers. (2) The primary caregivers with younger age, higher education and more social support had better parenting efficacy. (3) In terms of the service use, more frequent face-to-face and telephone interview were associated with higher parental efficacy. (4) Primary caregivers’ perceptions of family- centered practice were significantly related to parenting self-efficacy. (5) While controlling the characteristics of the children, family and service use, primary caregivers’ perceptions of family-centered practice had a positive impact on the parenting self-efficacy. Implications for improving the perception of family-centered early intervention services and improving parenting efficacy were included.
口試委員審定書 i
謝 誌 iii
中文摘要 v
英文摘要 vi
目 錄 vii
表 次 ix
圖 次 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 早期療育服務 7
第二節 家庭中心早期療育服務 17
第三節 親職效能感的理論基礎與相關研究 27
第三章 研究方法 35
第一節 研究典範選取 35
第二節 研究設計與假設 37
第三節 變項的定義與測量 39
第四節 研究對象與抽樣方法 49
第五節 資料蒐集 51
第六節 資料分析方法 53
第七節 研究倫理 54
第四章 研究結果 55
第一節 研究樣本之描述性統計分析 55
第二節 親職效能感與各自變項之相關性分析 65
第三節 親職效能感之多元迴歸分析 69
第五章 研究討論與建議 75
第一節 研究討論 75
第二節 研究限制 81
第三節 研究建議 83
後 記 88
參考文獻 90
中文書目 90
英文書目 93
附 錄 97
附錄一:家庭中心實務感知與親職效能感之關係調查問卷 97
附錄二:感謝函 104




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