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研究生(外文):Chien-Yu Lin
論文名稱(外文):Factors Affect Attitude toward Child Neglect Identification among Social Workers
外文關鍵詞:Child neglectChild care levelChildhood level of living scaleattitude toward child neglect
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本研究的兒童疏忽照顧態度方面,採用的是研究者翻譯自Polansky等人(1978)所設計之兒童照顧水準量表(Childhood Level of Living Scale,簡稱CLL)作為測量工具。本研究發現,這些受訪的社工員中,有育兒經驗者、有婚姻經驗者、工作單位為家防中心者,對於兒童疏忽照顧的態度要求較高,對於兒童疏忽之虞的擔心較高。當控制了社工員的育兒經驗與婚姻經驗之後,社工員的服務單位與督導支持滿意度皆能夠預測社工員兒童疏忽照顧態度的傾向,即家防中心的社工員、督導支持的滿意度較高者對於兒童疏忽照顧態度的要求較高,對於有兒童疏忽之虞的擔心也較高。本研究的發現意涵大致有三:(一)兒童疏忽照顧的態度是可以測量的,也可以作為訓練社工員對於兒童疏忽的照顧事件的敏感度;(二)社工員的督導支持滿意度有助於敏感兒童疏忽照顧事件的判定;(三)兒童疏忽事件的實際介入應加強兒童保護資源的提升,例如增加社工人力與工作資源。
In response to a recently increase in child abuse incidence, the child protection services (CPS) has been well developed. However, among the child maltreatment incidences, reported cases of child neglect were far less than physical and emotional abuse cases. When compared to the reporting incidences in the USA and UK, the reporting rate of child neglect incidences was quite marginalized in child maltreatment reports. This study examined what concept of child neglect social workers were based on and what factors predicted the identification of the reporting incidences. Using a quantitative approach, a total of 397 social workers from local governments were sampled to inquire about their attitudes toward child neglect identification, measured by Childhood Level of Living Scale (CLL), developed by Polansky (1978). Finally, 2hundred and thirty-two valid responses were collected, with a response rate of 58.4% Results indicated that social workers with child-rearing and marriage experience, and engaged in CPS work had better sense of childhood level of living and higher awareness of child neglect identification. After controlling for child-rearing and marriage experiences, social workers engaged in CPS work and with higher satisfaction with supervisor’ support had better sense of childhood level of living and higher awareness of child neglect identification. Suggestions were included. (a) Since the concept of child neglect could be measured, it would be feasible to enhance social workers’ sensitivity toward child neglect identification. (b) Since the level of supervisor’s support satisfaction could predict awareness of child neglect identification, it would be feasible to promote supervisor’s support for social workers engaged in CPS. (c) Since lacking of resources was associated with the reluctance to identify child neglect incidence, it would be helpful in increasing the identification of child neglect by increasing social worker manpower and working resources.
口試委員會審定書 i
謝 誌 ii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 問題背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第二節 台灣的兒童保護制度 6
第二節 兒童疏忽之概念 12
第三節 兒童疏忽的評估方式 18
第四節 影響社工判斷兒童疏忽的因素 23
第三章 研究方法 28
第一節 研究典範的選取 28
第二節 研究設計 30
第三節 變項操作定義與測量 32
第四節 研究對象與抽樣設計 37
第五節 資料蒐集與分析處理 38
第六節 研究倫理 41
第四章 研究結果分析 42
第一節 受訪者的個人特質與工作環境資料分析 42
第二節 兒童疏忽照顧態度及兒童疏忽議題調查分析 48
第三節 影響兒童疏忽照顧態度相關因素之分析 51
第四節 個人特質、職場經驗和兒童疏忽照顧態度之分析 54
第五章 結論與建議 56
第一節 研究發現與討論 56
第二節 研究限制 59
第三節 研究建議 60
第四節 研究方向建議 62
參考書目 63
附錄一 兒童生活照顧態度量表各題回答百分比分配 67
附錄二 研究問卷 71
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