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研究生(外文):Shu-Lang Liao
論文名稱(外文):Financial planning and evaluation of financial benefit for clinics offering medical services at patient''s own expense--comparison of laser refractive eye center and facial cosmetic center
外文關鍵詞:laser refractive eye centerfacial cosmetic centernet present value (NPV)modified internal rate of return (MIRR)profitability index (PI)payback (PD) and discounted payback (DPB)
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Due to the introduction of laser refractive surgeries and the evolving new technology, laser refractive eye centers become more and more popular. But, the expensive cost of laser refractive facilities, which is more than twenty million NT dollars, will make the business project under tremendous risk without detail financial evaluation. 「Aging」always and eventually is a major enemy of 「youth」and「Anti-aging」is recently a very hot topic all over the world. Facial cosmetic centers play up to the need of anti-aging procedures and have countless business opportunity in the near future. Under the same circumstance, the cost of facilities for facial cosmetic center is very expensive and the financial risk of business project is also high. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the financial feasibility and risks of both projects for laser refractive center and facial cosmetic center under different capital structures. Besides, this study will compare the investment benefit of business projects between laser refractive eye center and facial cosmetic center.
In this thesis, financial feasibility index such as net present value (NPV), modified internal rate of return (MIRR), profitability index (PI), payback (PD) and discounted payback (DPB) are used to evaluate the financial feasibility of both projects. From both “equity” and “plan” viewpoint, it is financially feasible to run the laser refractive eye center project no matter what kind of capital structures. Similarly, it is financially feasible to run the facial cosmetic center under the debt ratio of 0% to 60% from the “equity” point of view, and also financially feasible under all capital structures from “plan” point of view. On the other hand, from the “equity” point of view, the facial cosmetic center project will become financially infeasible and risky if the debt ratio is more than 80%.
Besides, from the “equity” point of view, the facial cosmetic center project will have more investment benefit according to financial feasibility index than laser refractive eye center project under the debt ratio of 0% to 40%. Nevertheless, the laser refractive eye center project will have more investment benefit if the debt ratio is more than 80%. From the “plan” point of view, the facial cosmetic center project will have more investment benefit than laser refractive eye center project no matter what kind of capital structures.
In conclusion, based on the financial analysis, it is recommended that executing facial cosmetic center project under low leverage financial investment will expect more financial benefit with relatively lower risk.
目 錄
第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景-------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機與目的-------------------------------------3
第三節 研究範圍及內容-------------------------------------4
第四節 研究方法與程序-------------------------------------5
第二章 相關理論與文獻探討-------------------------------------8
第一節 台灣近視的現狀及近視雷射手術市場概況---------------8
第二節 顏面醫學美容及市場概況----------------------------13
第三節 資金籌措方式及成本--------------------------------21
第四節 財務分析模式探討----------------------------------24
第三章 產業分析及競爭力分析----------------------------------29
第一節 眼科設立近視雷射中心的產業分析及競爭力分析--------30
第二節 眼科設立顏面美容中心的產業分析及競爭力分析--------32
第三節 近視雷射及顏面美容的產業分析比較------------------36
第四章 訪談近視雷射中心及顏面醫療美容中心營運現狀------------39
第一節 訪談近視雷射中心營運概況分析----------------------39
第二節 訪談顏面美容中心營運概況分析----------------------43
第五章 模擬近視雷射中心及顏面醫療美容中心個案分析------------51
第一節 模擬近視雷射中心營運分析--------------------------51
第二節 模擬顏面美容中心營運分析--------------------------83
第三節 近視雷射中心及顏面美容中心營運財務效益比較-------116
第六章 結論及建議------------------------------------------124
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