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研究生(外文):Han-Ting Lin
論文名稱(外文):High transparency low water vapor permeation polyacrylate/boehmite nanocomposite from solventless photocurable resin system
指導教授(外文):Wei-Fang Lin
外文關鍵詞:encapsulationnanocompositeswater permeationwater absorptionacrylic resinboehmite
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我們在壓克力樹酯tricyclodecane dimethanol diacrylate(TCDDA)中混入7wt%以矽烷偶合劑3-trimethoxysilyl propyl methacrylate (MPS)改質的水合氧化鋁片狀奈米粒子(柏買石, 25nm x20nm x2nm),可以有效的提升材料阻絕水氣的能力,水氣穿透率和純TCDDA高分子相較降低了約44%,且能少許的提升奈米複合材料的硬度9%,但由於片狀的柏買石會散射光線,使得壓克力樹酯未能完全聚合,並造成了熱裂解溫度(Td)較純壓克力樹酯降低約3%且熱膨脹係數升高了24%。我們將奈米複合材料以100oC熱處理24小時,可以進一步改善其熱性質及機械性質,但卻影響了其光學性質:和純壓克力樹酯相比,混入7wt%MPS改質後的柏買石的光穿透度在波長400nm的位置由90%降至70%,試片在熱處理之後產生了黃化的現象。而試片之所以黃化可能是因為起始劑所產生的安息香醛自由基在熱處理之後再結合形成benzil所導致。但我們經由置換表面改質劑為具有氨基的3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane(APTMS)後可以改善試片黃化的問題,因為其表面的氨基可以抑制benzil的生成,並降低試片黃化造成的吸收提高光穿透度達85% (400nm~900nm)。
Nanocomposite made from organic matrix and inorganic nanoparticles exhibits good thermal stability, low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), eminent mechanical properties, high transparency, excellent water vapor and oxygen barrier properties. They are potential materials for the applications of device encapsulation. In this research, we are developing UV curable nanocomposite for large area flexible solar cell encapsulation. We also investigated the effects of nanoparticle shape, type of the coupling agent and thermal post cure on the properties of nanocomposite.
By incorporating up to 7% by weight of 3-trimethoxysilyl propyl methacrylate (MPS) coupling agent modified platy boehmite nanoparticle (~25nm x20nm x2nm) in poly tricyclodecane dimethanol diacrylate (TCDDA), the moisture permeation of the neat polymer reduces by 44% and the hardness of the nanocomposite slightly increases by 9%. However, the boehmite scatters the light that causes the thermal decomposition temperature (Td) of neat polymer reducing by 3% and the CTE increasing by 24% from incomplete polymerization of organic matrix TCDDA. The thermal post cure at 100oC for 24 hours improves the thermal properties and hardness of the neat polymer but deteriorates its optical property. As compared with the neat polymer, the transmission at 400 nm of nanocomposite is reduced from 90% to 70% (yellowing). The yellowing maybe from the formation of benzil molecule by combining photoinitiated benzaldehyde radical during the thermal postcure process. The extent of yellowing can be reduced (~85% transmission 400nm-900nm) by replacing MPS coupling agent by 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS), because the amino functionality of APTMS can inhibit the formation of benzil. By blending additional 30% by weight of MPS modified silica nanoparticle (~25 nm) into the 7% boehmite containing TCDDA, the moisture permeation of the neat polymer can be reduced by 68%, CTE reduced by 22% and the hardness increased by 26%. In contrast, the extent of hardness is increased by 54% for MPS coupling agent due to its acrylate functionality being polymerized with the acrylate matrix. The TEM investigation of the nanocomposites containg 7% by weight of boehmite shows the boehmite dispersed well in polymer matrix but it is not fully foliated. While adding silica nanoparticle to the nanocomposite, there is strong affinity between the boehmite and silica nanopartice, the nanoparticles are populated around the boehmite first to form loose aggregation then the excess nanoparticles are dispersed in the polymer matrix.
In conclusion, the platy boehmite nanoparticles are very effective moisture permeation stopper while the spheric silica nanoparticles are very effective mechanical and thermal properties enhancer. The coupling agent exhibits strong influence on the performance of nanocomposite through the chemical reaction with the photoinitiator and polymer matrix.
目 錄
第一章 緒論………………………………………………......1
1.1 前言………………………………………………………..1
1.2 研究動機與目的………………………………………………2
1.3 封裝科技簡介………………………………………………………6
1.3.1 高分子封裝材料……………………………………………7
1.4 研究方向………………………………………………………9
第二章 文獻回顧………………………………………………………10
2.2 有機無機混成奈米複合材料………………………………………12
2.2.2矽烷類表面改質劑 (Silane modify agents)…………14
2.2.3 無機奈米粒子boehmite簡介……………………………16
2.2.4 Boehmite 奈米複合材料……….……………….……..18
第三章 實 驗……………………………………………26
3.1 實驗藥品………………………………………….…....26
3.1.2 Silane……………………………………………………..26
3.1.3 其他藥品……………………………………...27
3.2 實驗儀器………………………………………………..28
3.3 實驗步驟…………………………………………………..30
3.3.1 實驗流程……………………………………………...30
3.3.2以MPS表面改質nano-platy boehmite (mBoe)與鑑定…….30
3.3.3 以APTMS表面改質nano-platy boehmite (aBoe) 與鑑定….31
3.3.4以MPS改質silica 奈米粒子………………………………….32
3.4.1 熱重分析儀 Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer(TGA) ………35
3.4.2 熱機械分析儀 Thermal Mechanical Analysis(TMA) ………35
3.4.3微差掃瞄卡計 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) 36
3.4.4微硬度試驗 Microhardness Test …………............36
4.5光穿透度 Light Transmittance…….…………...…36
3.4.6水氣穿透率 Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR)37
3.4.7吸水率 Water Absorption (WA)………………37
第四章 結果與討論……………………………...……….38
4.1 片狀奈米粒子boehmite性質分析…………….……. ...…….38
4.2 Boehmite/TCDDA奈米複合材料性質分析39
4.2.1 最適化之Silane表面改質比例……….…..…….………39
4.2.2 表面改質鍵定………………………………..……….……40
4.2.3 TCDDA/mBoe複合材料性質分析……………………….……44 硬度分析…………………………………………..………44 熱性質分析…………………………………..….………45 穿透度分析………………………………………….49 奈米粒子在複合材料中之分散分析……….…………..51 吸溼性及水氣穿透率(WVTR)分析………….….….….53
4.2.4 TCDDA/aBoe複合材料性質分析……….………...….……55 硬度分析………………………………………………55 熱性質分析………………………………………………56 穿透度分析…………………………………………58 奈米粒子在複合材料中之分散分析………………..60 吸溼性及水氣穿透率(WVTR)分析…….……..…62
4.3 TCDDA / boehmite / Silica奈米複合材料性質分析…….64
4.3.1 TCDDA / mBoe / Silica奈米複合材料性質分析.………64 硬度分析……………………………………………64 熱性質分析………………………….……….65 穿透度分析…….………………………….67 吸溼性及水氣穿透率(WVTR)分析. .…….…69
4.3.2 TCDDA / aBoe / Silica奈米複合材料性質分析…………71 硬度分析…………………………71 熱性質分析……………………………….73 穿透度分析…………………………75 吸溼性及水氣穿透率(WVTR)分析……….…76
4.4.1 微米硬度分析……………………………………………………78
4.4.2 熱性質分析……………………………………………………79
4.4.3 吸水性質分析…………………………………………………83
4.4.4 水氣穿透率分析………………………………………………84
4.5 製程分析…………………………………………………………87
4.5.1 TCDDA/Silica之UV-DSC分析…………………………………87
第五章 結…………………………………………………………90
第六章 未來建議與方向…………………………………………91
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