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研究生(外文):Shang-Lun, Chung
論文名稱(外文):The Relation between News and the Stock Market-The Effect of Newspaper Information on the Holding of the Juristic Person and Stock Return
指導教授(外文):Chun-Yao, Huang
外文關鍵詞:Stock HoldingsOver SellOver BuyEvent StudyInformation EffectPrivate Investor
  • 被引用被引用:12
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1. 外資持股在正面消息前快速累積持股,而消息發佈後不再有買進或賣出的動作。本研究在此解讀為發佈日前外資先行獲得該資訊,因此買超。而發佈日後外資認為股價已調整完畢,故持續持有。
2. 投信在正面訊息日前累積持股,發佈日後逐漸賣出。數據上支持「拉抬出貨」的現象,但也可以解讀為投信的投資策略為傾向獲利了結,無直接證據顯示為何者。
3. 自營商在正面訊息日前累積持股之現象較不明顯,而訊息發佈日後也將持股逐漸賣出。在此本研究解讀為其傾向在正面訊息後逢高獲利了結。
4. 負面訊息而言,三大法人在發佈前就有出脫持股的現象,發佈日後不再有任何買賣超。在此解讀為法人先行獲得資訊而調整持股。
1. 正面訊息套利空間有限。
2. 負面訊息經由本研究之模擬方法模擬後,發現有套利空間。
We know that the capital market in Taiwan is mostly composed of private investor. Lacking market information, their invest strategies depend on the mass media. However, the information from the mass media might not be so reliable. After some scandal breaking out, a lot of cheating tricks are revealed. It’s said that some malicious institute investors manipulate the information on the mass media to misdirect private investors. The most common cheat method is: they first claim that this stock has a bright future, and then sell it. In order to know whether this phenomenon exists or not, I want to investigate the over buying/selling information of institutional investors before and after a stock-related news is issued. Moreover, I also want to shed light on the information value of the stock-related news. I use the event study method to measure the interaction between the report of the mass media and (1) the over buying/over selling information and (2)the price of the stock. Therefore, the followings are my two study topics and brief conclusions:
1. Whether the over buying/over selling information of institutional investors is reasonable before and after a stock-related news is issued?
a. Foreign Investors increase their stock holding before the positive news is issued. After issued, they don’t significantly over buy or over sell. I interpret it as the Foreign Investor got the positive information before it’s issued, so they buy it. After issued, they are inclined to believe the adjusted stock price, so they hold it.
b. Investment Trusts over buy the stock before the positive news is issued, and then sell it after issued. The result supports the assumption that they apply the cheat method mentioned above, but I can’t jump into any conclusion because it’s just a sufficient condition. There still might be other reasons causing this pattern of buying/selling behavior.
c. Security Dealers don’t over buy or over sell before the positive news issued. However, they over sell their holdings after news issued. I interpret it as they are inclined to liquidate the stock when it reaches highest price.
d. For negative news, Foreign Investors, Investment Trusts, and Investment Trusts all sell their stocks before issued. After issued, they don’t significantly over buy or over sell. I interpret it as they know the information before issued, so they adjust their holdings.

2. Can investors use the news of mass media to get excess return?
a. Barely can we arbitrage by positive news.
b. It’s possible to arbitrage by negative news.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機及目的 1
第二節 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 國外文獻探討 5
第二節 國內文獻探討 7
第三節 文獻總結 9
第三章 研究設計 10
第一節 研究假設 10
第二節 樣本及資料處理 13
第三節 研究模型 16
第四節 檢定方法 19
第四章 實證結果分析 21
第一節 「專欄看好」類新聞 21
第二節 「具名看好」類新聞 29
第三節 「不具名看好」類新聞 36
第四節 「評高」類新聞 43
第五節 「看壞」類新聞 51
第六節 「評低」類新聞 59
第七節 模擬投資結果 66
第五章 結論與建議 68
第一節 研究結論 68
第二節 研究貢獻 71
第三節 研究限制 72
第四節 研究建議 74
參考文獻 76
附錄一、各類報導定義 79
附錄二、模擬方法 84
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