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研究生(外文):Liu Kae
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Inter-firm Co-marketing Strategies in Airline Industry:The Case of EVA Air and Hello Kitty Collaboration
指導教授(外文):Huang, Heng-Chiang
外文關鍵詞:Aviation IndustryStrategic AlliancePrecompetitive AllianceCo-marketingHello Kitty
  • 被引用被引用:8
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本研究以異業聯盟的合作方式中,最具創意與為人所樂道之長榮航空與日本SANRIO合作推出的Hello Kitty 彩繪機方案,解析其合作策略的形成要素,以合作型態、合作效應、合作存續等方面加以分析,以提供其他航空公司在在異業聯盟的合作方式中,擬定經營與行銷策略之參考。
透過研究發現在長榮航空與三麗鷗Hello Kitty彩繪機合作案中,以單純短期的之異常報酬(如旅客人數上的成長及航段票價上的提升、機上免稅品及郵購商品銷售利潤)用以評量此合作案的經營績效,無法確切顯示出策略聯盟為公司所創造的價值;航空產業策略聯盟的形成應具有長期性的策略考量,而非著重於短期成本與利益的考量,聯盟的經營績效必須透過長期的趨勢來判斷。另於研究中發現以共同行銷方式的異業結盟其合約的存續受外在整體產業環境改變所帶來的影響極大,當整體產業環境不佳時,對聯盟合約存續之影響將更甚於合作利潤之所得。
Due to the tsunami in South Asia and the bombing incidents in Bali, Indonesia at the end of 2004, there has been a slowing demand for air service in Southeast Asia and the number of air travelers has also reduced significantly. However, with events such as the gradual recovery of Japan’s economy, Japan’s visa-free incentives to Taiwanese tourists, the 2005 World Expo at Aichi and the continuing Korean trends, have triggered a new wave of tourism boom in Northeast Asia. In order to enhance the airline route efficiency, the selection of the regional routes is primarily focused on adjusting existing route planning to cater for those routes that are more profitable in Northeast Asia, especially the route between Taiwan and Japan. This in turn has exacerbated the competition between the carriers.

Asia has been one of the fastest-growing markets in air travel in recent years, and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) also predicted that Asia will soon become the world''s largest air transport market with huge market potential. While regional airlines continue to expand or update their fleets and routes, they have all listed route expansion in Asian region as first priority. Airlines are actively seeking same industry or cross industry alliances to improve occupancy rates, grow new customers and reduce operational risks costs.

This study has selected one of the most creative, most well-known precompetitive alliances, namely the Hello Kitty Aircraft program launched between EVA Air and Sanrio Japan, analyzed the key factors in forming the strategic cooperation and discussed aspects such as cooperation methods, cooperation effects, cooperation continuance, and others, in order to come up with references that will be useful to other airlines when formulating business and marketing strategies in precompetitive alliances.

The study has found that for the Hello Kitty Aircraft program between EVA Air and Sanrio Japan, if one takes into account only the short-term irregular returns (such as the growth in the number of travelers and air fares, revenue from sales of onboard duty-free goods and mail order goods) to assess the performance, it will not give an accurate reading on the amount of value this strategic alliance has created for both companies. Also, when forming strategic alliances in the aviation industry, one must also think about the long-term strategy rather than looking at short-term cost and benefit consideration, as operating performance of any alliance can only be revealed through a long-term trend. Another study finding is that in a co-marketing precompetitive alliance, changes in the industry’s external environment have huge impact on the continuance of contracts. A poor external environment has much greater impact on the continuance of contracts than profits generated from the cooperation.
口試委員會審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
目 錄 vi
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 策略聯盟之內涵 6
第二節 品牌聯盟之內涵 17
第三節 航空產業同業與異業聯盟實例探討 22
第四節 體驗行銷之內涵 28
第三章 日商SANRIO及長榮航空之行銷策略 41
第一節 日商SANRIO公司簡介與其行銷策略探討 41
第二節 長榮航空公司簡介與其行銷策略探討 46
第四章 長榮航空與三麗鷗Hello Kitty 行銷結盟之個案研究與探討 50
第一節 合作背景分析 50
第二節 合作型態 58
第三節 合作效應分析 64
第四節 合作存續策略之分析 71
第五章 研究結論與建議 75
第一節 研究結論 75
第二節 行銷意涵與管理建議 78
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 81
參考文獻(中文部份) 82
參考文獻(英文部分) 84
參考資料(網路部份) 87
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