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研究生(外文):Tsung-Chih Chen
論文名稱(外文):Active Control on the Acoustic Fields in Duct Using the Wall-Vibration Induced Acoustic Sources
外文關鍵詞:Active controlWall-vibration induced acoustic sources
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本文中,利用FIR(Finite Impluse Response)數位濾波器作為系統控制之主體架構並直接以訊號產生器產生之單頻或雙頻訊號作為控制之參考輸入,再利用LMS(Least Mean Square)演算法來即時修正濾波器之係數,以期能達到最佳的控制效果。 另外,會再分析由於無限長圓柱殼體振動所造成之聲輻射。

There are two techniques in noise control,which are passive and active noise control.This thesis is to provide another approach to active noise control(ANC).It is to use a piezoelectric transducer(PZT) to excite the duct wall.The wall-vibration induced feedback sound wave can combine with primary noise to reduce the downstream sound pressure.Accordingly,only a duct and a piezoelectric tr-
ansducer are wanted in this approach.Thus the cost and the space required for the apparatus to be wanted are saved much more.
In experiment,we use a FIR digital filter as the main structure of the control system and meanwhile take a single-frequency or a dual-frequency signal as the reference input directly produced by a function generator.Weighting coefficients of the digital filter are adjusted by using LMS algorithm in order to achieve the best performance.Besides,the sound radiation by vibrating an infinite cylindrical shell will be analyzed.
The result of this study shows great attenuation of downstream sound pressure level by about 40 dB will be obtained at some frequencies.Similar situation occurs for dual frequencies at which greater radiation from duct wall exists,the attenuation of downstream sound pressure levels by about 15~35dB is obtained.The actuality as discussed can demonstrate it is feasible to use wall-vibration induced source to adaptively active control on the sound transmissi-
on in a circular duct.

第一章 緒論

1-1 前言……………………………………………………………1
1-2 文獻回顧……………………………………………………..5
1-3 研究方向與步驟…………………………………………….7

第二章 主動控制理論

2-1 連續訊號之取樣..…………………………………………..9
2-2 數位濾波器之理論………………………………………..12
2-3 LMS演算法…………………………………………………17

第三章 管道聲場

3-1 管道聲場結構………………………………………………23
3-2 管道消音機制………………………………………………28

第四章 管壁振動之聲場

4-1 壓電材料的基本性質……………………………………..30
4-2 無限長圓柱殼體的聲輻射分析………………………….31
4-2-1 薄圓柱殼的運動方程……………………………..31
4-2-2 圓柱殼體對內部聲場之作用…………………….34
4-2-3 圓柱殼體對外部聲場之作用…………………….37
4-2-4 激振力對圓柱殼體之作用……………………....39
4-2-5 聲輻射之求解………………………………………40
第五章 系統實驗架構

5-1 實驗設備…………………………………………………….42
5-2 實驗架構…………………………………………………….46
5-3 實驗過程與背景考量……………………..………………48
5-4 噪音消除之最佳化觀點…………………………………..50

第六章 實驗結果與分析討論

6-1 聲壓位準曲線………………………………………………51
6-2 實驗數據…………………………………………………….54
6-3 實驗結果討論…………………………………………….103

第七章 結論與未來研究方向

7-1 結論……………………..…………………………………106
7-2 未來研究方向…………………………………………….107

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