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研究生(外文):Kang-Hsien Hu
論文名稱(外文):A Content Analysis of Master & Ph. D. Theses Relevant to Ecotourism in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Dau-Jye Lu
外文關鍵詞:content analysistrend analysismaster & Ph. D thesesliterature reviewcodinglocal community
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 生態旅遊的概念被提出至今,在國際上蓬勃發展,已經普遍被視為是能夠同時兼顧環境生態保育,與促進地方永續發展的一個策略。國內近年也順應國際潮流大力推動生態旅遊,本研究基於Weaver & Lawton(2007)的分析架構,對台灣生態旅遊相關的學位論文做內容分析,並與推動政策做一對照,以分析國內的現況與發展。

 The concept of ecotourism has been flourishing internationally and has generally been considered as one of the strategies to integrate environmental and ecological conservation and local sustainable development. While Taiwanese government has been promoting ecotourism in great efforts to response to this international trend in recent years, this study aims to clarify the status and development of ecotourism in Taiwan by analyzing relevant domestic Master & Ph. D. theses based on the framework of Weaver & Lawton (2007).
 Totally, bibliographic information and abstracts of 184 theses were analysed. The topics analysed in this study included year of publishing, deparment(s) of auther(s), theme, location of cases, objectives and methods. This study found that the growing trend in the number of theses relevant to ecotourism was closely related to the active promotion of the Government. Both protected areas & National Scenic Areas were two most popular study sites. And there was a growing attention to local communities. The study theme mainly focused on market segmentation, community residents, and the impact due to ecotourism. Since it usually related to local communities for ecotourism activities in Taiwan, this study suggested that an independent subject category in analysis shall be considered.

Keywords: content analysis, trend analysis, master & Ph. D theses, literature review, coding, local community
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第一節 生態旅遊 3
第二節 台灣的政策與推動 13
第三章 研究方法與步驟 21
第一節 內容分析法與相關研究 21
第二節 研究步驟 32
第三節 研究限制 39
第四章 內容分析結果 40
第一節 單項分析結果 40
第二節 時間分布趨勢 55
第三節 其他項目之交叉比對 61
第五章 討論與結論 67
第一節 討論 67
第二節 結論 73
第三節 後續研究建議 74
參考文獻 76
附錄一:本研究分析論文列表 79
附錄二:各類別之系所列表 91
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