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研究生(外文):Yu-Ting Tsai
論文名稱(外文):A Comparison Analysis of the Impacts between Consumption Voucher and Fiscal Policy on Taiwan Economy
外文關鍵詞:overall macroeconometric modelgovernment policiesconsumption couponfiscal spending policycomparison Analysis
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The main purpose of this paper is to establish Taiwan overall macroeconometric model, which to analyze the effects under different government policies include consumption coupon and fiscal spending policy .
(1) Consumption coupon: Divided into two different ways, delieve consumption coupon once and twice. If delieving consumption coupon once, it would bring a positive impacts on the current economy. For example, promotion of economic growth, reduction of unemployment rate, rise of the stock price and interest rate and producing of inflation. On the other hand, if delieving consumption coupon twice, it would prolong and strengthen the positive economic effect.
(2)Fiscal policy: The influence of the temporarily increasing of the government expenditure is the same as those of deleving consumption coupon once.
After comparing the effects of two policies, we found that the latter has relatively stronger effect than the former. After the end of the two policies, the disappearance of exogenous stimulation and the inflation produced the downward revision strength that could cause the next economic recession, the increasing of unemployment rate and so on. After comparing the next phase of downward revision strength, we found that the downward effects of the former relatively less than those of the latter. If let the former policy keep going to the next period, the effect of delieving consumption coupon not only prolong the effect of delieving consumption coupon but also defer the downward revision strength to the third period. The conclusion is, if the international economy is steady, we should choose the fiscal policy; if it is not steady, we should choose the consumption coupon.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 本文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 總體計量回顧 3
2.2 消費券回顧 5
第三章 模型建立與求解方法 7
3.1 研究方法論 7
3.2 模型建構方法 7
3.3 模型求解方法 8
3.3.1 靜態與動態求解 8
3.3.2 隨機與確定式模擬 9
3.3.3 選用求解方法 9
第四章 總體經濟計量模型介紹 11
4.1 模型設定邏輯: 11
4.2商品市場 13
4.2.1 國民所得會計: 13
4.2.2 民間消費之決定: 14
4.2.3資本形成之決定: 14
4.2.4 出口、進口之決定: 16
4.2.5 物價指數之決定: 17
4.3勞動市場 18
4.4金融市場 19
4.5政府財政 23
第五章 模型評估及基準預測 24
5.1模型檢查 24
5.2 靜態測驗 24
5.3 樣本外預測 33
5.4 長期趨勢之基準預測 37
第六章 敏感性測驗 45
6.1 乘數的計算式 45
6.2 情境分析 46
6.2.1消費券政策 47
6.2.2政府財政政策 49
第七章 結論 51
參考文獻 52
附錄 54
(一)模型設定及單一方程式估計結果 54
一.商品市場 54
二.勞動市場 60
三.金融市場 61
四.政府財政 65
(二)變數說明 67
2.1內生變數說明 67
2.2外生變數說明 71
(三)外生變數值 72

表 5 1 靜態測驗結果 26
表 5 2 樣本外配適情形 33
表 5 3 外生變數設定方式 38
表 5 4 台灣經濟發展之長期趨勢-季預測 39
表 6 1 消費券政策對我國經濟的衝擊效果(季平均) 47
表 6 2 政府暫時財政支出政策對我國的經濟衝擊效果(季平均) 49

圖 5 1 重要經濟變數配適情形 29
圖 5 2 長期預測走勢圖 41
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