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研究生(外文):Kuan-Hung Lin
論文名稱(外文):Boosting Object Retrieval by Estimating Pseudo-Objects
指導教授(外文):Winston H. Hsu
外文關鍵詞:image retrievalobject retrievalpseudo-objectvisual wordlocal feature
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State-of-the-art object retrieval systems are mostly based on the bag-of-visual-words representation which encodes local appearance information of an image in a feature vector. A search is performed by comparing query object’s feature vector with those for database images. However, a database image vector generally carries mixed information of the entire image which may contain multiple objects and background. Search quality is degraded by such noisy (or diluted) feature vectors. We address this issue by introducing the concept of pseudo-objects to approximate candidate objects in database images. A pseudo-object is a subset of proximate feature points in an image with its own feature vector to represent a local area. We investigate effective methods (e.g., grid, G-means, and GMM-BIC) to estimate pseudo-objects. Experimenting over two consumer photo benchmarks, we demonstrate the proposed method significantly outperforming other state-of-the-art object retrieval algorithms.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Vector Space Model for Image Retrieval 2
1.2 Object Retrieval 4
1.3 Bag-of-Words Representation 6
1.4 Spatial Pyramid Matching 9
1.5 Limitations of Prior Works 10
Chapter 2 Pseudo-Objects 15
2.1 The Grid Method 16
2.2 The G-means Method 17
2.3 The Gaussian Mixture Model
with Bayesian Information Criterion Method 22
2.4 Image Scoring Based on Pseudo-Objects 25
Chapter 3 Evaluation 27
3.1 Benchmarks 27
3.2 Implementation 30
3.3 Results and Discussion 31
Chapter 4 Conclusions and Future Work 36
Bibliography 37
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