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研究生(外文):Guan-Wei Chen
論文名稱(外文):Near Optimal Secret Sharing and Defense Resource Allocation Plans for QoS Constrained Information Leakage Minimization
外文關鍵詞:Information SecurityNetwork PlanningSecret SharingQuality of ServiceOptimizationResource AllocationReliabilitySurvivabilityLagrangean Relaxation Method
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With the rapid prosperity of information systems and the Internet, most enterprises obtain competitive advantage by means of these information technologies. Hence, each enterprise uses the electronic equipment to store the sensitive information about core competence of the business. However, if the business secrets are leaked by opponents, it would lead to lose the competence and ruin their reputation for victims. For this reason, individuals or enterprises must protect the secrets from information leakage and ensure the availability for each legitimate user. As a result of the more criminal problems as time goes by, it becomes one of the important issues to develop effective defense strategies against information theft nowadays.
In this thesis, we consider the network planning in the realm of the information security. The attack-defense scenario is formulated as the min-max mathematical model. In the inner problem, the attacker must allocate his/her limited attack budget to steal the sensitive information in order to cause maximal damage. In addition, the attacker could not reveal the secret unless he/she collects the enough number of shares and the corresponding decrypted key.
On the other hand, in the outer problem, the network operator must construct the network topology and take account of the concept of defense-in-depth to design the most robust network. Furthermore, the combination of the secret sharing scheme and defense resource allocation strategy is applied for the sake of the confidentiality and availability. However, the attacker’s behavior is different from traditional attacks that he/she causes damage as soon as compromising nodes. Because of the consideration of the link malfunction, the network operator should not only guarantee the reliability of the network transmission but also satisfy the Quality-of-Service for legitimate users.
The Lagrangean Relaxation-based algorithm and the subgradient-based algorithm are proposed to solve the two layer mathematical problem. Beside, we further formulate the independent single layer model for the initial network deployment problem and define the “Discrete Degree” metric to represent the impact of the attacker. The Simulated Annealing-based algorithm is applied to handle this problem. Finally, we evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms by computational experiments.
論文摘要 V
Table of Contents VIII
List of Tables X
List of Figures XI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 6
1.3 Literature Survey 8
1.3.1 Secret Sharing Scheme 8
1.3.2 QoS Routing 12
1.3.3 Survivability 16
1.4 Proposed Approach 18
1.5 Thesis Organization 19
Chapter 2 Problem Formulation 20
2.1 Problem Description 20
2.2 Problem Formulation of the NPDS Model 23
2.3 Problem Formulation of the ATSS Model 37
Chapter 3 Solution Approach 40
3.1 Solution Approach for the ATSS Model 40
3.1.1 Lagrangean Relaxation Method 40
3.1.2 Lagrangean Relaxation 44
3.1.3 The Dual Problem and the Subgradient Method 49
3.1.4 Getting Primal Feasible Solutions 50
3.1.5 Summary of the Solution Approach for the ATSS Model 54
3.2 Solution Approach for the NPDS Model 56
3.3 The Independent Model – the DDS Model 61
3.3.1 Independent Problem Description and Formulation 61
3.3.2 The Solution Approach for the DDS Model 63
Chapter 4 Computational Experiments 67
4.1 Computational Experiments with the ATSS Model 67
4.1.1 Simple Algorithm 1 67
4.1.2 Simple Algorithm 2 69
4.1.3 Experiment Environment 71
4.1.4 Experiment Results 73
4.1.5 Discussion of Results 81
4.2 Computational Experiments with the NPDS Model 84
4.2.1 Experiment Environment 84
4.2.2 Experiment Results 86
4.2.3 Discussion of Results 88
4.3 Computational Experiments with the DDS Model 89
4.3.1 Experiment Environment 90
4.3.2 Experiment Results 91
4.3.3 Discussion of Results 96
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 97
5.1 Conclusion 97
5.2 Future Work 99
References 102
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