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研究生(外文):Chien-Chou Hong
論文名稱(外文):Photoluminescence Spectra Study of Germanium Manganese Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor
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在第二章中將探討使用分子束磊晶系統(molecular beam epitaxy, MBE)所成長之IV族稀磁性半導體—鍺錳合金(GeMn),從物理背景到近年來自各界的研究成果。接著介紹稀磁性半導體在光激發螢光頻譜(photoluminescence, PL)在中低量磁場中的變化,分別討論下列各個效應的物理背景:塞曼效應(Zeeman effect, 原子因處在磁場裡, 而其譜線發生分裂的現象)、反磁性位移(diamagnetic shift)、以及電子自旋之sp-d軌域交換交換效應(sp-d exchange interaction)造成的光譜偏移現象。
In this paper we will first deal with the development of the semiconductor industry, the current situation and the rise of diluted magnetic semiconductor applications, as well as known.
In the second chapter we will explore the possibility of using molecular beam epitaxy system (molecular beam epitaxy, MBE) to grow Ge-Mn alloy (GeMn) group IV diluted magnetic semiconductor. Physical background and the recent research results from all scientists around the world will also be presented. The photoluminescence spectrums for diluted magnetic semiconductors vary with low-volume changes in magnetic field. We’ll discuss some effects that result in spectral shift and their physical background: Zeeman effect (the splitting of a spectral line into several components in the presence of a static magnetic field), diamagnetic shift, as well as the electron spin-orbit sp-d exchange interaction.
In chapter 3 we illustrate the experimental samples of our material, recalling some characteristics of the same growth conditions. Then we’ll introduce the structure of our photoluminescence spectrum experiment.
Finally, in chapter 4 we will discuss the results of our photoluminescence spectrum experiment and then use Matlab to simulate the energy shift.
口試委員審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
第一章 序言 1
1.1半導體產業 1
1.2稀磁性材料之發展 5
1.3參考文獻 8
第二章 理論及材料背景 9
2.1磁性半導體 9
2.1.1 稀磁性半導體 9
2.1.2稀磁性半導體之製作技術 10
2.2磊晶技術 14
2.2.1分子束磊晶系統 14
2.2.2 反射式高能量電子繞射 15
2.3磁場中光譜之遷移 19
2.3.1塞曼效應 19
2.3.2反磁性位移 20
2.3.3自旋交換效應 21
2.4參考文獻 26
第三章 材料製備及實驗設置 28
3.1鍺錳材料樣品 28
3.2光激發螢光光譜實驗 34
3.2.1實驗架設 34
3.3參考文獻 36
第四章 實驗結果分析及討論 37
4.1光激發螢光光譜 37
4.2光譜偏移之模擬 43
4.3參考文獻 47
第五章 結論及展望 48
5.1結論 48
5.2未來工作 48
Chapter 1

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Chapter 2

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Chapter 3

1.Jamet, M. et al. High-Curie-temperature ferromagnetism in self-organized Ge1−xMnx nanocolumns, Nature Materials 5 2006 p653-659, nmat1686.
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Chapter 4.

1.H. H. Cheng, Magneto-optical studies of II-VI and III-V heterostructure, thesis for PhD, Oxford (1996).
2.Jamet, M. et al. High-Curie-temperature ferromagnetism in self-organized Ge1−xMnx nanocolumns, Nature Materials 5 2006 p653-659, nmat1686.
3.Park, Y. D. et al. A Group-IV ferromagnetic semiconductor MnxGe1−x. Science 295, 651–654 (2002).
4.H. H. Cheng, S. T. Yen, and R. J. Nicholas, Band-offset determination and excitons in SiGe/Si 001 quantum wells, Physical Review B, 62-7 4638-4641 (2000).
5.Jia-Min Shieh, Yi-Fan Lai, Yong-Chang Lin, and Jr-Yau Fang, Photoluminescence: Principles, Structure, and Applications, 奈米通訊第十二卷第二期。
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