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研究生(外文):Chia-Ching Lin
論文名稱(外文):Spectral Sidelobe Property of MC-CDMA and OFCDM Signals and Its Applications
外文關鍵詞:MC-CDMAOFCDMspectral sidelobe suppressionOVSF codeOCG codepolyphase code
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In this thesis, the spectral sidelobe properties of MC-CDMA and OFCDM signals are investigated. Particularly, a general fast-sidelobe-decaying property of the frequency-domain spreading codes is observed to provide small power spectral sidelobes. Given the length of the frequency-domain spreading code, a limitation on the resulted sidelobe-decaying rate is also obtained. It is shown that, by proper arrangements, the spectral sidelobe properties of MC-CDMA or OFCDM signals with (frequency-domain spreading) OVSF and OCG codes can be completely described by their code indices. According to this description, new assigning principles for (frequency-domain spreading) OVSF and OCG codes subject to spectral sidelobe suppression are proposed. Also, all polyphase codes are shown to yield the same spectral sidelobe property. Furthermore, a new code tree management strategy for OVSF code is proposed aiming to maximize the sidelobe-decaying rate of the overall transmitted MC-CDMA or OFCDM signal, and in the meanwhile to eliminate the code-blocking problem completely.
Abstract .......... i
Contents .......... ii
List of Figures .......... iv
List of Tables .......... vi
1 Introduction .......... 1
1.1 Combining CDMA and OFDM .......... 1
1.2 Spreading Code Assignment .......... 4
1.3 Motivation .......... 7
2 Signal Models and Spectral Characteristics .......... 9
2.1 Signal Models .......... 9
2.2 Fast-Sidelobe-Decaying Property .......... 14
2.3 Limitation on Sidelobe-Decaying Order .......... 16
3 Sidelobe-Decaying Orders of Orthogonal Spreading Codes .......... 18
3.1 Overview of Orthogonal Spreading Codes .......... 18
3.2 Sidelobe-Decaying Orders of OVSF Codes .......... 22
3.3 Sidelobe-Decaying Orders of OCG Codes .......... 26
3.4 Sidelobe-Decaying Orders of Polyphase Codes .......... 31
4 Numerical Results and Applications .......... 37
4.1 Fractional Out-of-Band Power Characteristics .......... 37
4.2 Code Assignment With a Fixed Spreading Factor .......... 40
4.3 OVSF Code Tree Management .......... 44
5 Conclusion .......... 49
Bibliography .......... 51
Appendix .......... 53
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