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研究生(外文):yen shih-hsun
論文名稱(外文):Apply Novel Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscope with DVD Pickup Head in Fluid
指導教授(外文):Li-Chen Fu
外文關鍵詞:AFMadaptive sliding-mode controlDVD pickup headadaptive Q-control
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本文提出的原子力顯微鏡(atomic force microscope),是可以在液體裡利用光碟讀取頭(DVD pick-up-head),來量測探針懸臂撓曲的掃樣品型原子力顯微鏡系統。為了實現上述的系統,我們設計了一個適應性Q控制器來控制樣品與探針之間的接觸力,藉著增加Q因子來增加探針在水裡的振幅,可以解決探針在水裡由於阻尼過大使得探針難以震盪的問題。此外,這個方法也可以減低樣品與探針之間的接觸力,這樣在掃描柔軟的生物細胞時,也不會造成破壞,所以可以得到細胞更真實的表面形貌。
另外我們還設計了一個新的原子力顯微鏡機構並且使用適應性滑動模式控制器(adaptive sliding-mode controller),用以取代傳統上人工手動調整參數的正比積分控制器(proportion-integration controller)。使用這種控制器,任何使用者都可以輕鬆得到高品質的原子力顯微鏡影像。
The system proposed here is a tapping mode scanning sample type Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) equipped with a CD/DVD pick-up-head (PUH) used to measure the deflection of the cantilever beam of the probe in the liquid. In order to realize the system mentioned above, we design an adaptive Quality-Factor-controller (Q-controller) to modulate the interaction force between the tip and the sample. And, increasing the quality factor will increase the oscillation amplitude of the probe in liquid and overcome the problem with high damping ratio in the fluid which tends to make the probe hard to oscillate. It is noteworthy that the tip-sample force can be decreased if the scanning is through tapping mode whereby the sample surface will not be easily hurt due to such tip-sample contact. Hence, this type of AFM can also be used to scan soft samples, which may lead to acquire more realistic topography.
To implement the above systems, we have designed a novel AFM mechanism and used an adaptive sliding-mode controller which replaces the traditional manually-tuned proportion-integration (PI) controller. By using this controller, any user can still acquire high quality AFM images easily.
This AFM will be used to help to observe the continuous interaction between the biology sample and the probe tip. Through adjusting the light path system and applying the controller, we can correctly measure the displacement of the probe in vertical direction in different kinds of fluid. The use of DVD pickup head minimizes the volume of the hardware system, and thus reduces the measurement error caused by heat expansion.
For testing the system capability and analyzing the biomorphic change of the sample in liquid, we have conducted a series of experiments, and the results can help us to understand more about the mechanism of the sample in liquid.
口試委員會審定書 #
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and Goal 1
1.2 Related Work 6
1.3 Contributions 14
1.4 Thesis Organization 15
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 16
2.1 Basic Theories of Interaction Force In Liquid 16
2.1.1 Van der Waals Interaction Principle 16
2.1.2 Electrostatic Forces 25
2.1.3 Derjaguin-Muller-Toporov theory 30
2.1.4 Thermal Fluctuation Forces 31
2.2 Basic Principles of Piezoelectricity 32
2.2.1 Hysteresis Phenomenon 33
2.2.2 Tube Scanner 35
2.3 Basic Principles of CD/DVD Pickup Head 38
2.3.1 Sensing Methodology 40
2.3.2 Focusing and Tracking Actuators 41
2.4 Operation Principle of AFM 43
2.4.1 Contact Mode 43
2.4.2 Tapping Mode 45
Chapter 3 Scanning Sample Type AFM System Design and Controller Design 49
3.1 Hardware Design 49
3.2 Software Design 60
3.3 Adaptive Q Controller Design 61
3.4 Adaptive Sliding-Mode Controller Design 70
3.5 Numerical Simulation 76
Chapter 4 Experiment 79
4.1 Hardware Setup 79
4.2 Experimental Result 85
4.2.1 System Characteristics 85
4.2.2 Scanning Result of the Calibration Grating 86
Chapter 5 Conclusions 94
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