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研究生(外文):Chun-Yuan Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Association of Social Capital and Smoking Behavior – A Study of Junior High School Students in Northern Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:smoking behaviorsocial capitaladolescentsfollow-up studymultinomial logit model
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目標:本研究目的在瞭解青少年吸菸行為類型之分佈,並進一步探討其與社會資本之關係。方法:擷取兒童與青少年行為之長期發展研究(Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-Term Evolution,簡稱CABLE)之部分資料,進行次級資料分析,研究樣本共2,013人。結果:研究樣本於八至九年級的兩年期間,其吸菸行為類型有兩年均無吸菸(83.10%);原無吸菸但次年吸菸(7.00%);兩年均有吸菸(4.60%);原有吸菸但次年無吸菸(5.30%)。在控制具有影響力之背景因素後發現,好朋友吸菸人數、居住地區之人口密度、父母支持程度、父母監督程度、同儕關係、學校認同程度、校內社團參與及社會組織參與,和研究樣本在兩年間吸菸行為的類型有顯著關係。建議:1.菸害防制工作者可參考本研究結果,根據不同吸菸類型規劃符合各類學生需求之介入策略;2.家長應多關注及監督子女的日常生活;3.校方應加強在校學生對於學校的認同感;4.家長及老師應多關注學生所參與的社團和活動。
Objectives: The purposes of this study are to realize the distribution of smoking behavior among adolescents, and to examine the association between social capital and smoking behavior. Methods: Data were obtained from the Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evaluation (CABLE) project, and the sample totally involved 2,013 eight graders in 2005 who continually followed over next year. Results: There were four types of smoking behavior among students from 8th to 9th grades was found, including no use tobacco between 8th and 9th grades (83.10%); no use tobacco in 8th graders but use in 9th graders (7.00%); use tobacco between 8th and 9th grades (4.60%); use tobacco in 8th graders but no use in 9th graders (5.30%). It was found that number of smoking friends, population density in residential areas, parental support, parental supervision, peer relationships, school identity, school club participation, participation in social organizations were associated with smoking behavior among adolescents after controlling for background variables. Conclusions: (1) Smoking preventive and intervening strategies were suggested to be designed for adolescents depend on different types of smoking behavior. (2) Parents should pay more attention to their offspring who were in adolescence and provide an appropriate level of supervision of adolescents. (3) Teachers are encouraged to strengthen students’ school identity. (4) Parents and teachers should keep an eye on organizations, clubs and activities which adolescents involved.
英文摘要................................................................................................................................... iv
第一章 緒論...............................................................................................................................1
第一節 研究動機...............................................................................................................1
第二節 研究目的...............................................................................................................6
第二章 文獻探討.......................................................................................................................7
第一節 青少年吸菸行為之情況.......................................................................................7
第二節 吸菸行為之定義與測量.....................................................................................13
第三節 社會資本之定義與測量.....................................................................................18
第四節 社會資本理論.....................................................................................................25
第五節 青少年吸菸行為之相關因素.............................................................................28
第三章 研究方法.....................................................................................................................33
第一節 研究架構.............................................................................................................33
第二節 資料來源與研究樣本.........................................................................................35
第三節 研究變項之定義與測量.....................................................................................36
第四節 研究變項之偵錯與處理.....................................................................................46
第五節 研究工具之信度與效度.....................................................................................49
第六節 統計分析.............................................................................................................53

第四章 研究結果.....................................................................................................................55
第一節 研究樣本之背景因素的分佈.............................................................................55
第二節 研究樣本之吸菸行為的分佈.............................................................................59
第三節 研究樣本之社會資本的分佈.............................................................................60
第四節 研究樣本之背景因素與吸菸行為的關係.........................................................65
第五節 研究樣本之社會資本與吸菸行為的關係.........................................................69
第五章 討論.............................................................................................................................84
第一節 青少年吸菸行為之情況.....................................................................................84
第二節 背景因素與青少年吸菸行為之關係.................................................................89
第三節 社會資本與青少年吸菸行為之關係.................................................................91
第四節 研究限制.............................................................................................................97
第六章 結論與建議.................................................................................................................98
第一節 結論.....................................................................................................................98
第二節 建議...................................................................................................................100
附錄一 2005年 CABLE計畫八年級版問卷.......................................................................118




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