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研究生(外文):Shu-ming Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Role of Internet Addiction in the Relationship between Satisfaction and Loyalty in Online Environment
指導教授(外文):Hsi-Peng Lu
外文關鍵詞:Internet addictionOnline gameSatisfactionLoyaltyTheory of Planned behaviorsTPB
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第一篇研究中,本論文使用文獻引用分析,透過Web of Science資料庫蒐整1996~2008年間發表於SCI / SSCI期刊中共105篇之網路沈迷相關研究,分析過去網路沈迷研究之現況與趨勢,並找出主要研究議題及潛在的研究機會。分析結果顯示,過去網路沈迷相關研究多著重於探討網路沈迷與其它社會心理變數之相關性,相對缺少網路沈迷與其它行為變數之實證研究。
Customer loyalty has been an ultimate goal for corporations to pursue. Satisfaction has been identified as a major driver for loyalty in marketing literature. However, empirical evidence of the relationship between the two constructs are still quite diverse. On the other hand, the proliferation of information communication technologies (ICTs) has enabled the rapid growth of the online content industry. Among the online content services, online games are known to be the most popular and profitable one. Previous studies found that most online gamers show demonstrate loyalty to the online games. Some of them even further developed the problematic usage pattern known as Internet addiction. While high loyalty has been shown, industry survey also pointed out that most active online gamers reported high dissatisfaction with online games. This seemingly contrary phenomenon indicates that it was insufficient for using satisfaction as a sole indicator of loyalty. Hence, for better understanding the phenomenon, this dissertation conducted two studies in series to investigate the inter-relationships among the Internet addiction, Satisfaction, and Loyalty.
In the first study, to assess the current state and trends of Internet addiction research, citation analysis approach was employed to analyze 105 Internet addiction related articles published in the SCI / SSCI journals during 1996~2008 via Web of Science database. Results show that previous studies primarily focused on the association between Internet addiction and other socio-psychological variables. Relatively little attentions have been placed on the relationship between Internet addiction with other behaviors, for example, loyalty.
Based on the finding of first study, the second study proposed a TPB-based research model to investigate the relationship between satisfaction, loyalty, and Internet addiction in online game context. 1138 responses were collected through web survey and analyzed using PLS-graph 3.00. Results show that moderate portion of online gamers demonstrate the symptoms of addicted to online game (31.5%). In addition, this study found that young adults with full time job may also develop online game addiction. Among the antecedents of online game addiction, descriptive norms and perceive playfulness are major factors that contribute to the online game addiction. Moreover, online game addiction not only directly affects loyalty but also attenuates the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty.
Concluding from above, Internet addiction has been a research issue that received increasing attention in recent years. Nevertheless, there are still limited empirical research in the field of Marketing and Management. This dissertation seeks to fill this gap by conducting the two studies. Results can partially explain the relationship among Internet addiction, satisfaction and loyalty in online environment. Finally, the implications of these findings for academics and practitioners are proposed. Moreover, directions for future research are suggested herein.
摘要 I
誌謝 IV
2.2. LOYALTY 10
3.3. RESULTS 27
4.4. RESULTS 58
APPENDIX B: 中文問卷 89
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