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研究生(外文):Shu-han Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Development of plastic molds and imprinted materials for micro/nano imprint lithography
指導教授(外文):Yi-Chang Chung
外文關鍵詞:micro/nanoimprintplastic hybrid moldmetal transfernanoporous filmwater-based imprintorganic/inorganic compositehierarchical structure
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壓印用模具之開發又分為兩部份,一是製作塑膠混合模具,二是製作規則孔洞薄膜。首先,在塑膠混合模具方面,擬製作凸面具有擋光層之塑膠模具,可應用於無殘餘層圖案製備。方法為利用碳黑、銀或金當作擋光層。以碳黑為擋光層之塑膠混合模具尺寸極限受限於碳黑自身聚集粒徑,本研究可利用碳黑製作20μm塑膠混合模具。以銀為擋光層之塑膠混合模具作法是將銀離子經無電電鍍還原於塑膠模具凸面,唯此方法需要先將晶種Sn離子固定於塑膠模具凸面,本研究選用之塑膠模具無法與Sn離子產生鍵結,故無法選區還原銀離子於特定區域。以金當作擋光層之塑膠混合模具作法是利用金屬或金顆粒轉印技術,得到負型塑膠混合模具(擋光層在凹槽)或正型塑膠混合模具(擋光層在凸面)。金層轉印技術可以成功轉印170 nm線寬圖案,轉印微奈米圖案面積可達1.5 cm × 1.5 cm;金粒子轉印技術可以成功轉印100 nm圖案,轉印800 nm直線面積可達直徑4 cm之圓。此外,研究中發現退火150℃兩小時會讓緊鄰的金粒子產生連結現象。另一方面,研究規則孔洞排列薄膜擬當作模具使用,利用自行合成的二氧化矽膠體溶液與Poly(St-BA-AA)混掺製作大面積、規則孔洞排列薄膜,孔洞孔徑約340 nm,孔徑間距約為404 nm,深度約2.18 nm。
壓印製程之開發方面,重點在研發水性壓印製程,並利用水性壓印製程開發有機、無機複合材料之壓印。傳統壓印製程中使用有機溶劑、需高溫高壓及材料受限等缺點在水性壓印製程中可一併得到改善與解決。水性壓印利用水為溶劑,可廣泛搭配熱塑性、熱固性及凝膠材料等,甚至可以應用於有機無機複合材料圖案之壓印,結果顯示利用Epoxy混摻1wt%在鹼催化水解的TEOS壓印800 nm直線圖案,可以增加原始Epoxy圖案的穿透度。水性壓印製程不僅符合綠色製程還有另一項特點,在適當壓印參數控制下可以製作微米級無殘餘層圖案。
最後在壓印材料之開發方面,本研究利用可分段照光聚合之新型UV阻劑,壓印多層次結構。結果顯示新型UV阻劑可以有效提升多層級結構第二層的深度(~523.6 nm)且不損毀底層圖案。
The study focusing on the development of nano/micro imprinting techniques and their applications included three major parts: fabrication of imprinted molds, development of alternative imprinting process, and design of imprintable materials.
Two imprinting molds were fabricated: one was plastic hybrid mold and the other was ordered porous mold. In the building of plastic hybrid mold, a design using the protruded area with a thin layer of metal to mask the UV light to prepare a residual layer-free pattern. Three materials were tested as the masking layers: carbon black, electroless plated silver, and deposited gold. As limited in the size of carbon black, the plastic hybrid mold with more than 20 um lines was successfully fabricated. Another silver deposition on the protruded area was achieved by immobilizing a layer of tin salt as a reduction coating. However, the tin layer did not homogeneously and selectively bind to the protruded area of plastic molds, giving a failure deposition on the molds. The direct metal transfer techniques was conducted by using different adhesion work for those contact interfaces to stick and remove the protruded gold layer (negative type) or leave the protruded gold layer (negative type). The metal layer transfer was achieved for a 170 nm featured pattern in a 1.5 cm × 1.5 cm area, while the gold particle transfer technique was able to transfer few hundreds nanometer featured pattern in area of 4 cm diameter. Sintering process at a low temperature (150℃) was performed to stable the layered gold nanoparticles on the protruded area. However, heterogeneous distribution of particles was found after 2 hr of sintering. On the other hand, an ordered, self-assembly of composite film was prepared as a nanoporous mold. We synthesized poly(St-BA-AA) emulsion to blend with silica sol prior to coat and dry the composite, giving a large-areaed polymer film with ordered nanopore arrays with 340 nm of pore diameter, 400 nm of spacing, and 2.2 nm of depth.
As for the development of imprinting process, we designed a novel water-based imprint process and its application to imprint an organic/inorganic composite. The process is available for imprinting variety of polymers which can be dispersed or emulsified in water, without using organic solvent, high temperature, heavy pressure. A recipe was tested as a water-based Epoxy prepolymer blended with base-catalyzed tetraethoxysilane precursor, giving a transparent 800nm featured pattern. Another test was conducted to fabricate a nonresidual layered pattern, owing to low viscosity of water-based imprintable recipe.
In the design of imprintable materials, a novel UV-curable resist was explored for its two staged irradiation and curing. Using the UV resist, the hierarchical structure was able to build up and its depth was increased to ~523.6 nm without collapse the first micron featured pattern.
謝誌 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XIX
縮寫對照表 XX
摘要 1
第一章 緒論 5
1.1 前言 5
1.2 微觸印刷(Micro contact printing) 6
1.3 奈米壓印技術(Nano imprinting lithography, NIL) 7
1.4 步進快閃壓印技術(Step flash imprinting lithography, SFIL) 9
1.5 研究動機 11
第二章 文獻回顧 13
2.1 壓印用模具 13
2.1.1 混合型模具 13
2.1.2 模板製作技術 15 陽極氧化鋁模板 16 孔洞薄膜 17
2.2 壓印製程相關技術 20
2.2.1 逆壓印 20
2.2.1 無殘餘層製程 22
2.2.1 特殊結構製作 23
2.3 金屬轉印技術 26
第三章 實驗方法 30
3.1 實驗架構流程圖 30
3.2 藥品資料 32
3.3 儀器型號 35
3.3.1. 高解析熱電子型場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 (High Resolution-Scanning Electron Microscopy) 35
3.3.2. 原子力顯微鏡(Atomic force microscope, AFM) 35
3.3.3. 接觸角測量儀 35
3.3.4. 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀 35
3.3.5. 紫外-可見光光譜儀 35
3.3.6. 平行光曝光機 36
3.3.7. 鍍金機(一) 36
3.3.8. 鍍金機(二) 36
3.3.9. 硬度計 36
3.3.10. 粒徑分析儀 36
3.3.11. 能量分散光譜儀(Energy Dispersive x-ray Spectrometer, EDS) 37
3.3.12. 化學分析電子儀(Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis, ESCA) 37
3.3.13. 示差掃描熱分析儀(DSC) 37
3.4 壓印用模具之開發 38
3.4.1 混合模具製作 39 利用碳黑當作阻擋層 39 利用金屬當作阻擋層 40 無電電鍍銀 40 選擇蝕刻金屬圖案 43 轉印金屬圖案技術 46 金屬層轉印技術 46 金屬顆粒轉印技術 51
3.4.2 多孔模具製作 54
3.5 壓印製程之開發 56
3.5.1 水性壓印製程 57 印章製作 57 材料製備 58 正壓印(Conversal imprinting) 58 逆壓印(Reversal imprinting) 61
3.5.2 水性複合材料壓印 63
3.6 壓印材料之開發 64
3.6.1 UV阻劑物性量測 65
3.6.2 含氟UV阻劑 66
3.6.3 多層次結構製作 68 溶劑輔助法壓印多層次結構 68 UV光固化材料低溫壓印多層次結構 69 可分段照光聚合之新型UV阻劑壓印多層次結構 69
第四章 結果與討論 70
4.1 壓印用模具之開發 70
4.1.1 塑膠混合模具製作 70 利用碳黑當作阻擋層 70 利用金屬當作阻擋層 71 無電電鍍銀 71 選擇蝕刻金屬圖案 75 轉印金屬圖案技術 79 金屬層轉印技術 79 金顆粒轉印技術 86
4.1.2 多孔模具製作 92 二氧化矽膠體水解時間對孔洞薄膜成形的影響 94 二氧化矽膠體比例對孔洞薄膜成形的影響 95 Poly (St-BA-AA)乳液與二氧化矽膠體自組裝排列形成孔洞之機制 101
4.2 壓印製程技術 103
4.2.1 水性壓印製程 103 正壓印 103 逆壓印 115
4.2.2 水性複合材料壓印 119
4.3 壓印材料之開發 122
4.3.1 UV阻劑物性量測 122
4.3.2 含氟UV阻劑 126
4.3.3 多層次結構製作 129 溶劑輔助法壓印多層次結構 129 UV光固化材料低溫壓印多層次結構 131 可分段照光聚合之新型UV阻劑壓印多層次結構 134
第五章 結論 135
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