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研究生(外文):Sain-Jie Huang
論文名稱(外文):On the Detection of Counterfeits: A Three-country Model with Market Access
指導教授(外文):I-Hui Cheng
外文關鍵詞:IPRImitationTrade AgreementTariffsProduct Differentiation
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Using a repeated game approach, this dissertation constructs a three-country trade model to analyze a bilateral trade agreement in which a developed country proposes an improved market access to a developing country if the developing country agrees to reinforce the protection of intellectual property rights against the third-country’s imitation. It is shown that whether such a trade agreement will be sustained or not depends on the developing country’s intention to cooperate. This study also considers a scenario where there exists product differentiation between the patent goods and counterfeit goods. It is found that if the product is not differentiated too much, whether the agreement will be sustained still depends on the intention of the developing country. On the other hand, if there exists too much product differentiation, whether an agreement will be sustained depends on the developed country’s intention to cooperate.
感謝辭 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第1章 前言 1
第2章 包含自由貿易與仿冒查緝內容之國際協議 6
第2.1節 國家1與國家2在不同策略組合下的福利水準 9
第2.2節 國家1與國家2維持協議之分析 16
第3章 具產品差異性下包含自由貿易與仿冒查緝內容之國際協議 24
第3.1節 國家1與國家2在不同策略組合下的福利水準 25
第3.2節 國家1與國家2維持協議之分析 33
第4章 結論 41
參考文獻 43
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