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研究生(外文):Jau-An Bai
論文名稱(外文):Study of electrophoretic phosphor applied on light-emitting diodes
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藉由電泳螢光粉之基礎研究,將可得知在外加電壓為200V時,當螢光粉的濃度改變,我們可控制螢光粉沉積厚度約為16至40μm,被藍光LED激發所得之白光色溫可達3800至6000 (K) 之範圍,白光均勻度由色溫之差異值約為80~3000 (K),而在高色溫的表現上,其因螢光粉厚度與緻密度之關係,差異值將會更大,因此使用電泳法所製作之螢光粉確實可提高白光之均勻度,而且還可提高外部取光效率5 %。另外我們得知其色溫差異量之變化主要由藍光LED之出光量與螢光粉層之緻密度所影響,故未來可著墨於緻密度之改善。
Literatures about reliability and dispense of LED know, in order to accelerate the development of solid-state lighting, we must overcome the problem made by tradition dispense phosphor gel converted blue light emitting diodes.
In this study, the phosphor particle are uniform dispersed in solvent and then electrophoresis deposition forms uniform deposition on cathode electrode under an apply voltage. After the suspension done, the experiment through changing the parameter condition, such as apply voltage, phosphor concentration, deposition time, DI water percentage and different substrate. We discuss the relationship among the weight and thickness of electrophoretic phosphor and the apply voltage, concentration, deposition time. Besides, we also discuss how the percentage change of DI water could influence electrolyte and whether deposition in different substrate would form the structures’ variation.
In the electrophoretic phosphor basic study, the apply voltage at 200V under the concentration of phosphor varies and then we can controls deposition thickness approximately 16 to 40 micrometer. The white light of phosphor by blue LED emitting correlated color temperature (CCT) to achieve approximately 3800 to 6000 K rages. The white light uniform values define CCT variation. Therefore, the CCT variation value to achieve approximately 80 to 1500 K. The high CCT observed variation value bigger of phosphor thickness and packing density relation. For this reason, the EPD phosphor methods to achieve uniform white light and increase external extraction efficiency than tradition white LED. In addition, we knows CCT variation value to come from blue LED chip light emitter amount and phosphor packing density influence. In the future, the EPD phosphor study can focus improvement phosphor packing density.
中文摘要 ............................................................................................................i
英文摘要 .............................................................................................................ii
誌謝 ..................................................................................................................vi
表目錄 ................................................................................................................vi
圖目錄 ...............................................................................................................vii
第一章 序論 .......................................................................................................1
1.1 前言 ..........................................................................................................1
1.2 白光發光二極體 (LED) 種類 ................................................................2
1.3 研究動機 ..................................................................................................3
第二章 理論基礎與文獻探討 .........................................................................6
2.1 電泳沉積之原理 ......................................................................................6
2.2 Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) 懸浮液的穩定性 …............................8
2.3 膠體粒子之分散 ....................................................................................12
2.4 黏結劑的添加 ........................................................................................13
2.5 影響電泳速度的因素 ............................................................................14
2.6 電泳沉積法之優點及應用 …......……………………………………15
2.7 螢光材料簡介 ...….................................................................................15
2.8 螢光材料的分類 …................................................................................16
2.9 發光機制簡介 ….......................................................................……….18
2.10 螢光材料的發光原理 …...................................................…………...21
2.11 發光中心型螢光材料 …......................................................................23
2.12 YAG型螢光材料的簡介 …...................................................................26
第三章 實驗方法與量測設備原理介紹 .......................................................29
3.1 實驗流程 ................................................................................................29
3.2 電泳法 ....................................................................................................29
3.2.2 電泳法相關參數 ..........................................................................30
3.2.3 電解質之反應機制 ......................................................................31
3.2.4 基板清洗 ......................................................................................31
3.2.5 實驗參數 ......................................................................................32
3.2.6 電泳法沉積螢光粉粉末 ..............................................................32
3.3 量測設備介 ............................................................................................33
3.3.1 掃描式電子顯微鏡量測 ..............................................................33
3.3.2 能量散射光譜儀 ..........................................................................33
3.3.3 積分球 ..........................................................................................34
3.4 光度學基本單位簡介 ............................................................................38
第四章 結果與討論 .........................................................................................40
4.1 螢光粉粒子電泳沉積行為 ....................................................................40
4.2 螢光粉粉體層形態分析 ........................................................................47
4.3 電泳螢光粉光學特性分析 ....................................................................49
4.4電泳螢光粉黃暈分析 ..............................................................................51
第五章 結論 ...................................................................................................53
參考文獻 .........................................................................................................55
附錄 ...................................................................................................................55
英文論文大綱 …................................................................................……….100
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