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研究生(外文):Hsin-Hsiang Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Study on the Optical Characterization of Tin Oxide-Based Nanophase
外文關鍵詞:photocatalystphotoluminescentsol-gel methodtin-zinc oxidecalcium stannate
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此外,以金屬無機鹽類為起始材料,並添加不同發光中心(M1)劑量,均勻混合之溶膠,經熱處理後可製備具有發光特性之錫酸鈣(Ca2SnO4)膠體粉末及薄膜。乾燥後之粉體經800˚C熱處理可生成錫酸鈣的結晶相,至1000˚C可生成錫酸鈣單相結晶。摻雜的試片,經UV光激發後,於450 nm處有一明顯發射波,且M1濃度在適當範圍內具有最強的發光強度,且熱處理條件、摻雜劑量、粉體之結晶性及微結構等因素亦會影響其發光強度。
In this study, tin oxide-based nanophases were prepared by the sol-gel process. The effects of various precursors, dopant amounts and heat-treatments on the structure, microstructure, photocatalyst and photoluminescent properties were investigated.
Tin metal salts were used as precursors with various dopants of zinc salts. The clear sols were obtained by added proper concentrations of zinc salts and nanophases tin-zinc oxide were formed after heat-treatments. With increasing the added amount of zinc salts, X-ray diffraction and microstructure analyzes showed the zinc oxide crystallinity and the nanoparticle size were remarkable increase. Specific surface areas increased when a few zinc oxide were added but remarkably decreased with increasing amount of zinc oxide. Photodegradation analysis showed the relative degradation depended on the heat-treatment, dopant amount, pH value and the electron-hole recombination rate.
Moreover, metal salts were used as precursors with various dopants of luminescence center (M1) and the homogenous calcium stannate phosphor powder and thin films could be obtained. All dried gels generate Ca2SnO4 structure after heating at 800˚C and single crystalline Ca2SnO4 were obtained following heated to 1000˚C. The peak wavelengths of the blue emission located at 450 nm for doped luminescence center (M1). The proper M1 concentrations had the best PL intensity. The relative PL intensity also depended on the heat-treatments, dopant amount, crystallinity, and microstructure of the gels.

第一章 緒論...............................................1
1.1 前言..................................................1
1.2 研究動機..............................................2
1.3 二氧化錫功能性應用....................................4
1.3.1 奈米光觸媒..........................................4
1.3.2 光學特性............................................4
1.3.3 量子效應............................................5
1.3.4 發光特性............................................5
1.4 陶瓷粉末與薄膜製備方法................................6
1.4.1物理方法.............................................6 蒸鍍法..........................................6 濺鍍法..........................................6
1.4.2 化學方法............................................6 共析出法........................................6 化學氣相沉積法..................................7 噴霧熱分解法....................................7 水熱法..........................................7 溶膠凝膠法......................................7
第二章 基礎理論與文獻回顧.................................9
2.1 氧化錫鋅(SnO2/ZnO)簡介................................9
2.1.1 基本物性及晶體結構................................9
2.1.2 相關應用及原理...................................11 偶氮染料.....................................11 光觸媒之光化學反應...........................15 光催化降解原理...............................15 SnO2/ZnO於光催化降解的應用...................17
2.2 氧化錫鈣(Ca2SnO4)簡介................................21
2.2.1 基本物性及晶體結構.................................21
2.2.2 相關應用及原理...................................21 螢光材料的定義...............................21 螢光材料的分類...............................21 發光原理.....................................24 Ca2SnO4於光致發光的應用......................25 影響發光效率的因素...........................26
2.3 溶膠-凝膠法..........................................29
2.3.1 溶膠-凝膠法之簡介..................................29
2.3.2 溶膠-凝膠之反應..................................29
2.4 研究目的.............................................31
第三章 實驗方法與步驟....................................32
3.1 實驗概述.............................................32
3.1.1 製備光觸媒粉末...................................32
3.1.2 製備發光膠體粉末.................................33
3.2 特性分析儀器原理簡介.................................36
3.2.1 結構分析...........................................36 X-光繞射儀 (XRD)...............................36 霍氏轉換紅外線光譜儀 (FT-IR)...................36 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM).................36
3.2.2 物性分析...........................................37 恆溫吸附儀 (BET)...............................37
3.2.3 光學特性分析.......................................38 紫外光/可見光/近紅外光光譜儀 (UV-vis-NIR)......38 螢光光譜儀 (Fluorescence Spectrophotometer)....38
第四章 結果與討論........................................42
4.1 以氧化錫基添加鋅鹽製備之光觸媒粉體...................42
4.1.1 溶膠-凝膠反應.....................................42
4.1.2 結構分析...........................................43 XRD繞射與結晶性分析..........................43 FT-IR分析....................................48 微結構分析...................................50
4.1.3 物性分析.........................................53
4.1.4 光學特性分析.....................................55 UV-Vis分析...................................55 光催化分析...................................58
4.2 以氧化錫基添加鈣鹽製備錫酸鈣之螢光膠體...............61
4.2.1 溶膠-凝膠反應......................................61
4.2.2 結構分析.........................................64 XRD繞射與結晶性分析...........................64 FT-IR分析....................................71 微結構分析...................................76
4.2.3 光學特性分析.......................................81 螢光特性分析...................................81
第五章 結論..............................................91
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