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研究生(外文):Yi-Fang Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Relations between Motive Forms and Performance of Alliances among Travel Agencies
指導教授(外文):Ya-Li Chang
外文關鍵詞:travel agenciesstrategic alliancemotivesperformance
  • 被引用被引用:6
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行業者間的一種常態策略行為,如旅行業者間之PAK、CTIN 旅遊
本研究針對台北市之旅行業者,共發出360 份問卷,回收有
效問卷208 份,有效問卷回收率57.8%。而研究結果發現:不同動
Cooperation is a prerequisite of strategic alliances, but there is commercial competition
between alliance members. Even so, strategic alliance is still a normal tactical behavior
in travel agencies in Taiwan, PAK and CTIN etc. are famous illustrations in Taiwan.
In some cases, travel agencies even think strategic alliance is the best way to increase
their performance.
But probability of making a successful alliance is not high as they think. Furthermore,
there are many ways to divide alliances into different forms. Which kinds of strategic
alliance could truly increase performance become the motive of the research. The
research not only discuss reasons travel agencies participate in strategic alliance but
separate alliance by motives to examine variations in alliance performance.
The survey adopted convenience sample to distribute 360 questionnaires among
travel agencies in Taipei, and 208 effective questionnaires were retrieved finally. The
result showed different motives could separate alliances, and alliance performance
would reveal significantly difference between different kinds of strategic alliances.
The finding not only pointed relationships between motives and performance of alliances
among travel agencies, but give travel agencies a suggestion: As a team member,
they should do their duty to make performance well.
中文摘要.................. i
英文摘要.................. ii
誌謝辭................... iii
內容目錄.................. iv
表目錄................... vi
圖目錄................... vii
第一章緒論................. 1
第一節研究背景與動機............ 1
第二節研究問題與目的............ 3
第三節研究範圍與對象............ 5
第四節研究流程............... 7
第二章文獻回顧............... 8
第一節策略聯盟的定義............ 8
第二節策略聯盟加入動機........... 12
第三節策略聯盟的類型............ 16
第四節聯盟績效與評估............ 26
第三章研究方法............... 28
第一節研究架構............... 28
第二節操作性定義.............. 29
第三節研究假設............... 30
第四節問卷設計............... 32
第五節抽樣設計............... 37
第六節統計資料處理............. 38
第七節問卷預試............... 39
第四章資料分析與討論............ 45
第一節問卷回收狀況與樣本分析........ 45
第二節策略聯盟加入動機分析......... 47
第三節旅行業策略聯盟之分類......... 54
第四節策略聯盟績效分析........... 58
第五節策略聯盟類型與聯盟績效之關係..... 62
第五章結論與建議.............. 63
第一節結論................. 63
第二節研究限制............... 65
第三節研究建議............... 66
參考文獻.................. 68
附錄研究問卷................ 81
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