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研究生(外文):Chau-Yang Wu
論文名稱(外文):The Study on the Results of 2005 to 2008 Annual Contests of Supervision and Inspection on Tourist Amusement Enterprises
指導教授:黃章展 博士
指導教授(外文):Chang-Chan Huang, Ph.D.
外文關鍵詞:inspection itemstourist amusement enterprisecontests of supervision and inspection
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The tourist amusement enterprise is a localized and deep-rooted industry in Taiwan. It plays an important role in vitalizing national economy. More than eight million people visited tourist amusement enterprises in 2008. In other words, if one person spent 600 dollars, people all stimulate more than 480 millions for the domestic economy of scale. Therefore, the responsibilities of government to enforce the safety and the quality of tourist amusement enterprises have become very important. So, in order to create a friendly and safe leisure environment, the Bureau of Tourism (Taiwan) have held the annual contests of supervision and inspection on tourist amusement enterprises for several years. The supervision and inspection focus on the maintenance of tourist safety, maintenance and management of tourist amusement facilities, sanitation and beautification of the environment, the management of tourist amusement enterprises, customer services and other aspects of works, which can improve the overall quality and standards of service. Therefore, this study was to explore the distribution of the opinions of supervision and inspection, the improvement conditions and obstacles in annual contests of supervision and inspection on tourist amusement enterprises. This study was also to explore the differences among three rankings of the tourist amusement enterprises regarding the distribution of the opinions of supervision and inspection and the improvement conditions.
This study targeted at seventeen tourist amusement enterprises including eight extraordinarily excellent providers, six excellent providers and three non-rate providers. In this study, the main materials for analyses are documented critics and opinions regarding 24 items (which are divided into six categories) from the board of judges during the inspection and are provided by Tourism Bureau, Republic of China (Taiwan). The results are as follows:
1.The distribution of the opinions of supervision and inspection, and the improvement conditions and obstacles in annual contests of supervision and inspection on tourist amusement enterprises are as follows:
(1)Among the 24 inspection items, the " Public accident liability insurance for the insured amount" has the lowest distribution of the shortcoming opinions regarding the total average of the mentioned rate. In addition, the improvement conditions of these items are the best. There are no obstacles.
(2)Among the 24 inspection items, the "environment clean" inspection item has the highest distribution of the shortcoming opinions regarding the total average of the mentioned rate. In addition, the improvement conditions of these items are the worst. There are obstacles.
2.The differences among three rankings of the tourist amusement enterprises regarding the distribution of the opinions of supervision and inspection and the situation of the improvement are as follows:
(1)The inspection items which all of tourist amusement enterprises improve the shortcomings passively are as follows:the warning of potential hazardous areas, recreational facilities, security, emergency rescue system and accident handling, directional signs, public toilets, environment clean, business management, interpretation signs and information, consumer information and their rights and interests, the image of the business corporation, for a total of eleven. They have high distribution of the shortcoming opinions of supervision and inspection. The differences among the three rankings of the enterprises regading the mentioned rate of these inspection items are small. In addition, the improvement conditions of these items are the worse.
(2)The inspection items which the extraordinarily excellent providers and the excellent providers improve the shortcomings actively, and the non- rate providers improve passively are as follows:Crime prevention measures, parking lots, for a total of two. They have low distribution of the shortcoming opinions of supervision and inspection. The differences among the three rankings of the enterprises regading the mentioned rate of these inspection items are big. In addition, the improvement conditions of these items are the better.
(3)The inspection items which the best-premium-rate improve the shortcomings actively, and the better-premium-rate and the non- listed-rate passively are as follows:Humane facilities, waste disposal, service counter, for a total of three. They are high distribution of the shortcoming opinions of supervision and inspection. The differences among the three rankings of the enterprises regading the mentioned rate of these inspection items are big. In addition, the improvement conditions of these items are the worse.
(4)The inspection items which the excellent providers improve the shortcomings actively, and the extraordinarily excellent providers and the non- rate passively are as follows: Landscaping, for a total of one. It has high distribution of the shortcoming opinions of supervision and inspection. The differences among the three rankings of the enterprises regading the mentioned rate of these inspection items are big. In addition, the improvement conditions of this item is the worse.
(5)The inspection item which all of tourist amusement enterprises improve the shortcomings actively is as follows:Public accident liability insurance for the insured amount, for a total of one. It has low distribution of the shortcoming opinions of supervision and inspection. The differences among the three rankings of the enterprises regading the mentioned rate of these inspection items are small. In addition, the improvement condition of this item is the better.
(6)The inspection items which most of the tourist amusement enterprises improve the shortcomings passively, with few passively are as follows:Construction management, fire fighting facilities, health and safety of labor, sewage and waste water, food sanitation, support the specific facts of supporting the government tourism policies, for a total of six. They have low distribution of the shortcoming opinions of supervision and inspection. The differences among the three rankings of the enterprises regading the mentioned rate of these inspection items are small. In addition, the improvement condition of this item is the better.
According to the results, this study proposes the incentive point of view from the competent authority for policy planning. Consequently, tourist amusement enterprises will pay much attention to improve shortcoming items of supervision and inspection records of Tourism Bureau, Republic of China (Taiwan) board of judges. Then, Tourism Bureau, Republic of China (Taiwan) can achieve a sustained lift in the quality of operation and management of tourist amusement enterprises. In addition, this study proposes that tourist amusement enterprises should carry out regional management, implement audit and coordination functions of management systems, effect the education and training of their employees. Those practices can improved shortcomings of the 24 items of supervision and inspection records. This study suggests that future researchers extend the periods of the materials to be studied and explore the reasons for failure to improve the shortcomings mentioned repeatedly by the board of judges during the inspections.
謝誌 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 V
目錄 IX
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 6
第三節 研究範圍 6
第四節 研究限制 7
第二章 文獻回顧 8
第一節 觀光遊樂業的定義 8
第二節 觀光遊樂業經營管理 12
第三節 觀光遊樂業經營管理與安全維護檢查暨督導考核競賽制度 21
第三章 研究方法 27
第一節 研究對象 27
第二節 資料蒐集來源 33
第三節 資料分析方法 34
第四章 資料分析與討論 38
第一節 研究對象描述 38
第二節 檢查項目內容描述 40
第三節 分析與討論 46
第五章 結論與建議 178
第一節 結論 178
第二節 建議 180
參考文獻 184
一、中文文獻 184
二、英文文獻 186
附錄一 觀光遊樂業經營管理與安全維護檢查暨督導考核競賽評分紀錄表 186
附錄二 觀光遊樂業票價一覽表 201
附錄三 環境整潔美化之(一)環境清潔檢查項目之缺失重點 208

表1-1 觀光遊樂業所屬世界或亞洲排名之觀光遊樂設施一覽表 2
表2-1 年度督導考核競賽成績 26
表3-1 觀光遊樂業開幕日期彙整表 29
表4-1 觀光遊樂業基本資料 39
表4-2 檢查機關分工表-1 45
表4-3 檢查機關分工表-2 45
表4-4 各檢查項目意見被提出意見率總平均彙整表 47
表4-5 危險地區之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 54
表4-6 觀光遊樂設施安全之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 58
表4-7 建築管理之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 64
表4-8 消防設施之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 69
表4-9 緊急救難系統及意外事件處理意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 73
表4-10 防範犯罪措施之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 79
表4-11 勞工安全衛生之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 83
表4-12 指示標誌之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 87
表4-13 停車場之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 91
表4-14 公廁之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 96
表4-15 人性化設施之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 101
表4-16 環境清潔之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 106
表4-17 垃圾處理之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 111
表4-18 植栽美化之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 116
表4-19 污水、廢水之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 121
表4-20 食品衛生(餐飲環境衛生)之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 125
表4-21 投保公共意外責任保險額度之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 130
表4-22 業者經營管理之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 134
表4-23 服務櫃檯之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 139
表4-24 解說牌之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 144
表4-25 解說資料之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 149
表4-26 消費者保護(消費資訊與權益)意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 154
表4-27 配合政府觀光政策提出具體事實意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 159
表4-28 營塑企業形象之意見提出次數與被提出意見率表 164
表4-29 研究結果總彙整 169

圖2-1 策略管理、經營管理與風險管理的關聯 14
圖2-2 風險管理計劃責任分工圖 15
圖2-3 安全管理機制 23
圖3-1 觀光遊樂業分佈圖 32
圖3-2 資料分析方法流程 37
圖4-1 危險地區被提出意見率長條圖 55
圖4-2 觀光遊樂設施安全被提出意見率長條圖 59
圖4-3 建築管理被提出意見率長條圖 65
圖4-4 消防設施被提出意見率長條圖 70
圖4-5 緊急救難系統及意外事件處理被提出意見率長條圖 74
圖4-6 防範犯罪措施被提出意見率長條圖 80
圖4-7 勞工安全衛生被提出意見率長條圖 84
圖4-8 指示標誌被提出意見率長條圖 88
圖4-9 停車場被提出意見率長條圖 92
圖4-10 公廁被提出意見率長條圖 97
圖4-11 人性化設施被提出意見率長條圖 102
圖4-12 環境清潔被提出意見率長條圖 107
圖4-13 垃圾處理被提出意見率長條圖 112
圖4-14 植栽美化被提出意見率長條圖 117
圖4-15 污水廢水被提出意見率長條圖 122
圖4-16 食品衛生(餐飲環境衛生)被提出意見率長條圖 126
圖4-17 投保公共意外責任保險額度被提出意見率長條圖 131
圖4-18 業者經營管理被提出意見率長條圖 135
圖4-19 服務櫃檯被提出意見率長條圖 140
圖4-20 解說牌被提出意見率長條圖 145
圖4-21 解說資料被提出意見率長條圖 150
圖4-22 消費者保護(消費資訊與權益)被提出意見率長條圖 155
圖4-23 配合政府各項觀光政策提出具體事實被提出意見率長條圖 160
圖4-24 營塑企業形象被提出意見率長條圖 165
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