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研究生(外文):Yi-Hsuan Tu
論文名稱(外文):Leading Indicators of Currency Crises
指導教授(外文):Ching-Chun WeiChi-Wei Su
外文關鍵詞:Logit modelBinary Regression QuantilesCurrency CrisesProbit model
  • 被引用被引用:1
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This research is trying to construct leading indicators for currency crisis by probit model, logit model and binary regression quantile. The empirical results show that the Inflation rate, Stock price index, Import growth rate, Export/GDP, Direct investment abroad, GDP growth rate, Terms of trade changes, Financial derivatives and Domestic credit/GDP have significant effects on the occurrence of currency crisis. The Logit model is greater than the Probit model and the Binary Regression Quantiles with this certain. In this paper, the Financial derivatives and the Direct investment abroad are useful for leading indicators of currency crises in recent years. Indirectness can be found out global financial tsunami is in close relation with these two parameters.
List of Tables............................................Ⅳ
List of Figures...........................................Ⅴ
Chapter 1 Introduction....................................1
Chapter 2 Data and Methodology............................6
2.1 Data..................................................6
2.2 The Definition of a crisis............................8
2.3 Probit Model.........................................13
2.4 Logit Model..........................................13
2.5 Binary Regression Quantiles Model....................14
2.6 Relative Operation Characteristic....................17
Chapter 3 Empirical Results..............................19
3.1 Empirical Results of Probit Model....................19
3.2 Empirical Results of Logit ..........................20
3.3 Binary Regression Quantiles..........................21
3.4 Performance of Respective Indicators.................24
Chapter 4 Conclusions....................................26

List of Tables
Table 1 Expected Sign of Leading Indicators...............7
Table 2 Currency crisis of emerging country..............10
Table 3 Cross classifies table...........................17
Table 4 Empirical result of Probit Model.................20
Table 5 Empirical result of Logit Model..................21
Table 6 Binary Regression Quantiles......................23

List of Figures
Figure 1 Identification of Currency Crises: Exchange Rate Pressure Index and Crisis Threshold......................11
Figure 2 ROC curve.......................................18
Figure 3 Without the Financial derivatives and Direct investment abroad variables..............................24
Figure 4 Input the Financial derivatives and Direct investment abroad variables..............................25
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