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研究生(外文):Yen-Chen Ou
論文名稱(外文):The Construction of an Environment for Nourishing Pupils’Writing Capability by Means of Mind Map and Formative Assessment
指導教授(外文):Shueh-Cheng Hu
外文關鍵詞:e-learningmind mapformative assessmentwriting capability
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Writing plays a very important role in Chinese language teaching in elementary schools. Students’ composing capability could be improved by utilizing mind map during writing process. The researcher established a web-based writing environment, which not only enable mind mapping, but also provide learners formative assessment and peer’s work as reference. Two experiments, which targeted elementary school students, were conducted to investigate the impact of the writing environment on learners’ learning attitude and performance.
The two experiments used qualitative and quantitative approaches, respectively. The subjects were recruited from two fifth-grade classes, a total of 63 students at the school where the researcher works with. The experiments lasted two months during which the subjects were instructed how to write themes in the mind map writing environment. After the two-month experimental usage, the researcher gathered subjects’ opinions via questionnaires and measured their performance via evaluating their drawn mind maps and written articles.
In the first experiment, the subjects were separated into two groups based on their mean scores on the subject of Chinese. The researcher tried to understand whether learners’ existing language capabilities have influence on their attitude toward the mind map writing environment. In the second experiment, an analysis was performed to find out the correlations among the subjects’ mean scores on the subject of Chinese, mind mapping scores, and writing scores obtained in the mind map writing environment. Finally, the teachers participated in this experiment were interviewed, information was gathered to understand the students’ learning behavior and willingness to use the system in order to guide the future development of the mind map writing environment.
The findings of this research work are concluded as follow:
1. There is no significant difference between their attitude toward the mind map writing environment of the two groups of students with different mean scores on Chinese. This indicates the students are able to perform well in the mind map writing environment regardless of their existing language proficiency, which further shows the common applicability of the environment.
2. Positive correlations have been found among students’ mean language scores, mind mapping scores, and writing scores. This indicates students with better language proficiency draw better mind mapping; and those who with better mind mapping skill are able to write better. This confirmed once again that mind mapping is beneficial to students’ writing capability. At last, there is a medium positive correlation between students’ existing mean language scores and writing scores. This indicates that students with better language ability also perform better in the writing activities in the environment, and vice versa. This confirmed the criterion validity of the environment; it means that students’ written themes based on the previously drawn mind map can faithfully reflect their writing capabilities.
3. Both fifth-grade teachers and students hold a positive view toward the writing environment. Students like writing in the environment and think mind mapping interest them in learning how to write. Furthermore, they can reduce typos and improve efficiency by using the typing function in the environment. In consequence, their overall writing abilities could be improved, and they are willing to keep using it in the future.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制 3
1.4 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 心智繪圖寫作教學策略發展與組織能力之探討 6
2.1.1 心智繪圖相關學習理論 6
2.1.2 心智繪圖寫作教學 9
2.1.3 使用心智繪圖在寫作方面的相關文獻 10
2.2 資訊融入寫作教學與形成性評量之探討 15
2.2.1 資訊融入相關學習理論 15
2.2.2 數位學習在形成式評量的效用 17
2.2.3 資訊融入寫作教學相關文獻 18
第三章 系統設計與實做 22
3.1 系統架構 22
3.2 系統設計 24
3.2.1 系統開發過程 24
第四章 實驗與成效評量 39
4.1 實驗設計 39
4.2 資料處理與分析 41
4.3 線上心智繪圖輔助寫作環境意見分析 46
4.4 線上心智繪圖輔助寫作學習記錄 57
4.5 訪談教師 60
第五章 結論與未來展望 62
5.1 結論 62
5.2 未來展望 65
參考文獻 66
附錄一:資訊環境及電腦使用問卷 70
附錄二:心智繪圖評量表 72
附錄三:寫作評定量表 73
附錄四:資訊環境及電腦使用分析統計表 74
附錄五:線上心智繪圖輔助寫作環境意見問卷 79
附錄六:線上心智繪圖輔助寫作環境信度分析摘要表 81
附錄七:學生語文分數與輔助系統中心智繪圖寫作分數(第一篇) 82
附錄八:學生語文分數與輔助系統中心智繪圖寫作分數(第二篇) 84
附錄七:線上心智繪圖寫作學習記錄(高分組1) 86
附錄八:線上心智繪圖寫作學習記錄(高分組2) 87
附錄九:線上心智繪圖寫作學習記錄(低分組1) 88
附錄十:線上心智繪圖寫作學習記錄(低分組2) 89
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