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研究生(外文):Yu-Tsung Tai
論文名稱(外文):Integrated Platform for Collaborative Learning in the Mobile Environment
指導教授(外文):Meng-Chien Yang
中文關鍵詞:Web 2.0維基系統手持式電腦行動學習行動運算協同學習
外文關鍵詞:Mobile computing、m-Learninghandheld deviceWiki systemsWeb 2.0collaborative learning
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近幾年,網頁製造的技術有重大的改革,並且帶來了Web 2.0這個新名詞。在Web 2.0的概念之下,維基系統 (Wiki)和部落格的使用者明顯增加,網路上資訊產生的速度比以往有顯著的提升,同時各個領域的資訊內容也更加豐富。 Web 2.0對數位學習以及行動學習所帶來的影響也成為一個新的研究議題。

另外,由於微處理器性能的大幅提升,加上無線通訊技術的突破,手持式行動裝置開始受到大眾的青睞,行動通訊裝置將成為個人的資訊平台。隨著通訊技術的進步,使得教育方式也變得更多元化,由遠距教學和無線通訊技術結合而成“行動學習”(mobile learning)也應運而生。所謂的行動學習即是運用行動科技與數位學習(e-Learning)來結合。然而多數數位學習的網頁內容並未針對於行動學習的載具如PDA來做編輯與製作。

本研究在設計與架構一個融合Web 2.0與維基系統的協同學習概念的行動學習平台使得傳統數位學習的模式能在我們的調整後變得更適用於目前的學習環境。因此,使用者可以透過我們的系統來閱讀與或進而編輯相關的學習內容而不受到不同學習平台的影響。
Nowadays, the evolution of internet technologies brings many new methodologies for learning to help people study online. The concepts of Web 2.0 cause new e-Learning patterns. There are numerous people studying online by reviewing Blogs and Wiki systems. These kinds of Web 2.0 websites bring about a new issue of collaborative learning.

Moreover, the development of wireless network and mobile devices initiates mobile learning. The handheld devices and wireless network technologies provide learners a ubiquitous learning environment so that people can study online anywhere and anytime. This learning pattern causes new challenges that differ from traditional e-learning methods.

In this thesis, we propose a new collaborative mobile learning environment with the concepts of Web 2.0.
Chinese Abstract i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
List of Figures v
Chapter 1 Introduction 8
1.1 Overview 8
1.2 Motivation 9
1.3 Contribution 10
1.4 Thesis Organization 11
Chapter 2 Related Works 12
2.1 Ubiquitous Computing 12
2.2 Mobile Learning 13
2.3 Web2.0 Mashup Techniques 14
Chapter 3 Platforms of the Study 15
3.1 Design Preliminaries 15
3.2 System Developing 16
3.2.1 Discussion System for Teaching Materials 17
3.2.2 e-Learning Wiki System 18
3.3 System Design for the Mobile Environment 23
3.3 Use Scenarios and Analysis 25
3.3.1 Use Scenarios for Discussion System 25
3.3.2 Use Scenarios for e-Learning Wiki System 30
Chapter 4 Experiment Studies 54
4.1 Experiment Environment 54
4.2 Questionnaire Design 54
4.2.1 Questionnaire Results for PC Users 55
4.2.2 Questionnaire Results for PDA Users 62
4.2.3 Contrasting PC and PDA Questionnaire Results 70
4.3 Experiment Generalization 72
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 74
5.1 Summary of the Studies 74
5.2 Conclusions 74
5.3 Future Works 75
References 77
Websites 79
Appendixs 80
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