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研究生(外文):Ying-shen Lin
論文名稱(外文):Energy Saving Process For Emulsion
指導教授(外文):Chang-Chin Kwan
外文關鍵詞:EmulsifierCosmetics formulaViscosityStability testingDispersionW/O energy saving emulsifier
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silxane(KF-995)、2Ethylhexyl palmitate(2EHP)、Mineral oil(Deakeol 7)、Jojoba Oil、Squalane,濕潤有機膨潤土Quaternium -18 hectorite(Bentone 38),再利用均質乳化機調整至10,5000rpm/min進行分散,經離心及黏度測試結果顯示以2EHP對Bentone38具有最好的分散力和懸浮力,進一步以2EHP為主要基劑開發出W/O型節能乳化劑。
The main purpose of this research is to save energy for emulsion process. Due to the competition of cosmetics marketing and the quest of environmental protection, how to decrease the time and energy of cosmetics procedure, to increase the efficiency of R&D, to control the stability, and to improve the quality of all cosmetics products are the direction we need to work hard. Because of this conception, we design an energy saving emulsifier for W/O emulsion and then study further for some physical and chemical property and stability and analyze the advantage of it.
First, We wet Bentone38 and disperse by homogenizer at v=10,500rpm for six emollient of cosmetics as the following:Dimethicone(KF-96-5CS)、Cyclopentasilxane(KF-995)、2Ethylhexyl palmitate(2EHP)、Mineral oil(Deakeol 7)、Jojoba oil and Squalane. By using the test of viscosity meter and centrifugal test, we found that the emollient of wetting and dispersion for Bentone38 is 2Ethylhexyl palmitate.Therefore, we chose 2Ethyl hexyl Palmitate and some cosmetics W/O emulsifier to design an energy saving emulsifier for W/O emulsion.
In this experiment, We conclude that our result showed that he energy saving emulsifier is not only saving 50% of the procedure time and energy but also costing down over 80%. Further more, when we use this emulsifier to design some cosmetic formula, we found that it demonstrated better emulsion properties than the products existing in market place, such as the better stability, more homogeneous particle size, and better dispersion of cosmetics powder.
中文摘要…………………………………………………………… ….I
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………..1
1-1 台灣化粧品概況分析……………………………………………….1
1-2 化粧品穩定性測試:…………………………………………………2
1-3 化粧品的乳化劑型………………………………………………….5
1-4 化粧品配方設計….……………………………………………….10
1-4-1 化粧品配方設計概念………………………………………...10
1-4-2 油脂…………………………………………………………...12
1-4-3 乳化劑選擇…………………………………………………...18
1-4-4 化粧品流變助劑……………………………………………...20
1-4-4-1 高分子膠體…………………………………………………20
1-5 化粧品劑型穩定的因素…………………………………………...22
1-5-1 光安定性………………………………………………………...22
1-5-2 布朗運動原理…………………………………………………...22
1-5-3 Stoke運動原理…………………………………………………...23
1-5-4 Zata電位………………………………………………………….24
1-5-5 流變學…………………………………………………………...26
1-5-6 奧士華熟成原理………………………………………………...31
1-5-7 乳化系統不穩定現象…………………………………………...31
1-5-8 化粧品穩定性之加速老化測試方法…………………………...33
1-5-9 劑型穩定性之檢測方法與原理………………………………...37
1-5 研究目的…………………………………………………………..38
第二章 實驗……………………………………………………….......40
2-1 儀器與器材………………………………………………………..40
2-2 藥品………………………………………………………………..41
2-3 實驗方法…………………………………………………………..43
2-3-1 節能W/O型乳化劑的配製…………………………………….43
2-3-2 節能W/O型乳化劑的測試…………………………………….44
2-3-2-1 預凝膠(Pre-Gel)及節能測試……………………………44
2-3-2-2 與市售節能乳化劑比較……………………………………50
2-3-2-3 化粧品配方的製備…………………………………………54
2-3-3 化粧品穩定性的評估…………………………………………59
2-4 穩定性評估流程…………………………………………………60
2-4-1 流變性黏度檢測………………………………………………60
2-5 統計分析…………………………………………………………61
第三章 實驗結果與討論………………………………………………62
3-1 配製節能乳化劑油脂相容性測試………………………………62
3-1-1 油脂/Bentone38分散測試………………………………………62
3-1-2 油脂/Bentone38/活化劑黏度測試………………………………63
3-1-3 預凝膠 (油脂/Bentone38/活化劑)離心測試…………………64
3-2 單一油脂配方乳化測試…………………………………………65
3-3 與市售節能乳化劑(Nikkomulese WO)比較……………………67
3-4 化粧品配方物化性分析…………………………………………..72
第四章 結論……………………………………………………….....76
第五章 參考文獻………………………………………………….…...78
表1-1-1 常見的變數與測試方法……………………………………..3
表1-1-2 化粧品穩定性測試方法….….………………………………4
表1-3-1 肉眼所能觀察之乳化外觀顏色..……………………………6
表1-3-2 乳化劑之HLB值與其作用………………………………….8
表1-4-1 化粧品成份組成表………………………………………….11
表1-4-2 化粧品常用油脂特性……………………………………….17
表1-5-1. 流體在不同切變速率下的應…..…………………………..29
表1-5-2 各類化妝品和洗滌用品的流變性…………………………..30
表1-5-3 乳化安定性主要因素……………..………………………….33
表1-5-4 化妝品穩定性常用測試溫………..…………………………35
表2-3-1 W/O 型乳化配方…………………………………………..46
表2-3-2 預凝膠(Pre-Gel)及節能測試實驗編號……………………...46
表2-3-3 與市售節能乳化劑W/O 配方比較表……………………...51
表2-3-4 Day Cream W/O配方………………………………………55
表2-3-5 Foundation W/O配方………………………………………56
表2-3-6 實驗編號……………………………………………………..59
表3-2-1 單一油脂配方操作物性變化表……………………………..65
表3-3-1 與使用市售節能乳化劑乳化物、化性測試比較表……….70
圖1-3-1 乳化劑型………………………………………………………...6
圖1-5-1 各類流體之流動曲線………………………………….……….28
圖1-5-2 錐板式黏度計….…………………………………….………....37
圖2-3-1 節能W/O型乳化劑配製圖……………………………………45
圖2-3-2 P-01、P-02、P-04、P-05 乳化製程…………………………..48
圖2-3-3 P-03、P-06乳化製程圖………………………………………..49
圖 2-3-4 S-01、S-05 乳化製程圖..........................52
圖2-3-5 S-02、S-06 乳化製程圖………………………………………53
圖2-3-6 Day Cream乳化製程…………………………………..........57
圖2-3-7 Foundation乳化製程圖……………………….……………….58
圖2-3-8 穩定性評估流程圖…………………………………………… 60
圖3-1-1油脂/Bentone38分散黏度經時變化圖………………………. 62
圖3-3-1與市售節能乳化劑搭配KF-995乳化顆粒比較圖………….. 71
圖3-3-2與市售節能乳化劑搭配2EHP+KF-995乳化顆粒比較圖…...71 圖3-3-3與市售節能乳化劑搭配2EHP+KF-995+TiO2乳化顆粒比較圖..71
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