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研究生(外文):LI CHENG TA
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Mechanisms of CRM2.0 in Interactive Web Platform
外文關鍵詞:Customer Relationship ManagementCRM2.0Web2.0Web2.0 toolCase StudyVirtual Community
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知名的CRM顧問Paul Greenberg提出CRM2.0的概念,也就是顧客關係管理與Web2.0的結合。Web2.0的互動特性使得顧客傳遞資訊量大增,而企業也可接觸到更廣大的顧客群,並且收集到廣泛的資訊,也就是企業可以透過Web2.0的概念來實現顧客關係管理的目標。但是在平台的建置以及社群的建立上卻不是這麼容易可以達成,因為本研究所涉及的是一個新的領域,因此本研究的定位乃是探索性研究,希望藉由對CRM2.0互動平台機制的初步研究,作為日後進一步研究的依據。
本研究透過意諾新平台、華碩技術支援網站、Mobile 01、聯合新聞網四個案例進行個案分析,發展出顧客關係管理的六階段的企業CRM目標,及四種CRM2.0互動平台策略類型,並搭配相關的Web2.0工具,建構出不同策略目標下,應搭配何種互動平台類型,以及配置哪些Web2.0工具,來達成關係建立與維繫,以及資訊收集與過濾等機制,使企業能有系統性的建構Web2.0互動平台。簡言之,本研究透過社群與Web2.0工具,搭配公司顧客關係管理目標和配適(fit)的互動平台策略,架構出CRM2.0互動平台的相關機制,不僅可使組織增加與顧客的接觸點,同時可降低CRM2.0的建置成本,讓企業可以在與顧客的互動中,有效的得到廣泛多元有價值的資訊,並透過即時得資訊過濾與處理,快速的回應顧客的需求,達成企業的CRM目標。
Paul Greenberg, a well-known CRM consultant, first proposed the concepts of CRM2.0 that combine the features of CRM and Web2.0. The interactive features of CRM 2.0 increase communication among the customers, while business can reach a wider customer base and gather widespread information. That is, the objective of CRM can be achieved by the concepts of web2.0. On the other hand, it is not easy to establish the platform and community website. Since the study of CRM2.0 is a totally new field, so we treat the study as an exploratory research. Thus we hope this preliminary research result of CRM 2.0

Interactive Platform mechanism could serve as a basis for further research. This research develops goals for CRM in six different stages and establishes four strategies for CRM2.0 interactive platform. Four cases study of CRM2.0 Interactive Platform were analyzed, which include ASUS TeK Computer Inc.-Support, InnoCentive, Mobile 01, and udn.com. To coordinate with relevant Web2.0 tools and different stage of CRM goal, enterprise can build systematic interactive platform to establish and maintain the relationship with customers. Meanwhile, CRM2.0 can gather and filter information from customers and make rapid response to customers’ requests. CRM2.0 interactive platform not only increases communicative information between the customers, but also reduces the cost of CRM2.0 implementation. Enterprise adopting CRM2.0 will achieve CRM objectives, provides value to customers and get value from customers.
第一章 緒論...........................................................1
1.1 研究動機.........................................................1
1.2 研究目的.........................................................3
第二章 文獻探討.......................................................6
2.1 CRM2.0之文獻回顧..................................................6
2.1.1 CRM的起源發展背景...............................................6
2.1.2 CRM的定義......................................................7
2.1.3 CRM的架構.....................................................11
2.1.4 CRM2.0定義與內涵...............................................19
2.1.5 小結..........................................................21
2.2 Web2.0之文獻回顧.................................................21
2.2.1 Web2.0的發展..................................................21
2.2.2 Web2.0定義與內涵...............................................24
2.2.3 Web2.0的機制與工具.............................................28
2.2.4 小結..........................................................29
2.3 虛擬社群........................................................30
2.3.1 虛擬社群的發展.................................................30
2.3.2 虛擬社群的定義.................................................30
2.3.4 虛擬社群關係與建置..............................................32
2.3.4 虛擬社群的機制與工具............................................37
2.3.5 小結..........................................................38
2.4 關係行銷........................................................39
2.4.1 關係行銷發展背景...............................................39
2.4.3 小結..........................................................47
2.5 價值鏈..........................................................47
2.5.1 價值鏈定義.....................................................48
2.5.2 虛擬價值鏈.....................................................50
2.5.3 顧客價值......................................................52
2.5.4 小結..........................................................53
第三章 研究架構與研究方法.............................................55
3.1 研究架構........................................................55
3.2 研究方法........................................................59
3.3 研究流程........................................................60
4.1 CRM2.0互動平台架構分析...........................................62
4.2 個案研究........................................................73
4.2.1 個案一:意諾新 (innocentive)...................................73
4.2.2 個案二:華碩技術支援網站........................................80
4.2.3 個案三:Mobile 01網路平台......................................87
4.2.4 個案四:聯合新聞網..............................................97
4.3 個案分析結論....................................................106
5.2 制度與管理......................................................116
5.3 關係程度.......................................................118
5.4 互動內容.......................................................119
5.5 CRM2.0互動平台之策略與機制之建置..................................120
第六章 結論與建議...................................................131
6.1 結論...........................................................131
6.2 建議...........................................................132
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