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研究生(外文):Lan-chun Lin
論文名稱(外文):Study of Trois Danses Andaluses op. 8 by Joaquin Turina/ Lan-chun Lin Piano Recital
指導教授(外文):Ingrid Tsung
外文關鍵詞:Trois Danses AndalusesPeteneraTangoZapateadoFlamencoPhrygian modeSpanish composerJ. Turina
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出生於西班牙南部安達魯西亞地區的屠利納,為二十世紀初期西班牙著名的作曲家之一,他擁有多達五十組的鋼琴音樂作品,創作出許多富西班牙色彩的性格小品及舞曲,並且慣以組曲的形式來表現。於巴黎留學期間受到同鄉阿爾貝尼士與法雅的指引,使燃起其對於國家民族音樂的重視,這組《三首安達魯西亞舞曲》(Trois Danses Andaluses op. 8) 鋼琴作品包含了三首不同的民族舞蹈節奏音樂,完成於1912年,適逢其寫作民族音樂之初期,具有開創性的意義存在,本論文將以此組作品作為研究對象。
研究範圍包括了1. 屠利納的生平與鋼琴音樂風格;2. 分析《佩特內拉》、《探戈》、《察帕泰阿多》三首舞曲的寫作風格在節奏、曲式及調性上的特色;3. 將此曲中,所運用到的演奏技巧與詮釋作探討,以期對於實際演奏此作品時,能更有效率且精確地掌握樂曲特性的精髓。

史卡拉第:G大調奏鳴曲,作品 (K.) 一六九
C大調奏鳴曲,作品 (K.) 一三二
貝多芬:鋼琴奏鳴曲 降E大調,作品三十一之三


J. Turina, born in Andalucia of South Spain, is one of the famous Spain composers in early 20th century. With more than fifty piano works, mainly Spanish pieces and dance music works, he was accustomed to express his work in suite. Directed by fellow countryman Albeniz and Falla in his oversea study in Paris, Turina’s attention toward national folk music was enlightened. The piano work, Trois Danses Andaluses op. 8, containing three different folk dance rhythms, was finished in 1912 when the folk music was onset. Therefore, this work had special meaning of pioneering within, and the purpose of this study is to discuss the interpretations and performance of this special work.
The research fields of this thesis include:
1. The career of J. Turina and his piano work style.
2. The composition analysis of three dance music (Petenera, Tango, and Zapateado) and their distinguishing features in rhymes, musical forms, and keys.
3. The discussion of the performing technique and interpretation about this work.
By this research, the author is looking forward to correctly control the property of this work more efficiently and accurately when performing.
According to the musical form of this work, J. Turina focused on the dance rhythms rather than any complicated changes. In harmonies and melodies, he integrated three kinds of harmonic styles, including post-Franckian atmosphere, Debussy, and Andalucia. He also showed characteristics in this work, such as the frequent use of the dominant chords with the augmented dominant, the chords with the added sixth, the augmented sixth chord, the appearance of parallel fifths in the progress of harmony, the whole-tone coloring and the Phrygian mode. However, composed mainly of Phrygian cadence, this work filled with features from Andalucia of South Spain and also expressed the spirit of a nationalism composer. The author expects that this study may bring about deeper understanding of J. Turina and Spanish music to readers and more support to performers.

D. Scarlatti: Sonata in GM, K. 169
Sonata in CM, K. 132
L. v. Beethoven: Piano Sonata in E-flat Major, op. 31 Nr. 3
F. Chopin: Fantasy in f minor, op. 49

J. Turina: Trois Danses Andaluses, op.8
目 錄
第一章 前言…………………………………………………………5
第二章 屠利納的生平與鋼琴音樂風格
第一節 屠利納的生平……………………………………………10
第二節 屠利納鋼琴音樂風格與特色……………………………15
第三章 安達魯西亞音樂風格
第一節 安達魯西亞的人文地理環境……………………………24
第二節 音樂上的特徵……………………………………………27
第四章 寫作手法之探討
第一節 節奏………………………………………………………31
第二節 曲式結構…………………………………………………34
第三節 調性 (調式)與和聲…………………………………… 41
第五章 演奏詮釋之探討
第一節 力度與表情………………………………………………58
第二節 演奏上的實際問題………………………………………64
第六章 總結…………………………………………………… 72
參考書目…………………………………………………………… 75

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